The Gift That Keeps On Giving — Personalised Number Plates

Martyn Davies
3 min readFeb 13, 2020


Everyone wants to stand out from the crowd. It’s part of what makes us human. We want to shine, above the rest of the crowd. But in this day and age of cookie-cutter consumables — how do we do that? Everyone has a smartphone or an off the shelf branded T-Shirt. Look down. Everyone has the latest branded sneakers. How would you set yourself apart from the crowd?

In this day and age there is a way. In the Western World, most people have a car. It may be a way to get from their home to work — or it may be a way to enjoy a lifestyle of leisure — it is a way to express their individual lifestyle choices.

However, that car is one of millions. No matter the colour or finish- it is still a product of a factory where industrial robots sweat grease to churn out identical vehicles every minute.

So how do you give a gift that will set those you care apart from the herds of vehicles that come off that assembly line? A gift that will recognise the unique nature of that friend or loved one?

Gift A Personal Number Plate

The solution to that gift conundrum is a personalised number plate. People are always looking for an ultimate personalised gift — and a card or that Rice Cooker is just not going to do it. But there is one gift that will stand out from the rest. A personalised number plate. Your friend — or a member of the family will have a motor vehicle which is the four-wheeled Apple of Their Eye.

So how do you get a personalised number plate for that special somebody?

There are several ways. There are many companies like The Private Plate Co ( that offer personalised plates. You can buy them on auction and simply select them from a huge variety of plates that are available from the store that they have in stock. The stock will allow those who want that plate that reflects their personality or their pride in the motor vehicle they drive.

It is as simple as visiting a site that provides a wide variety of plates. The plate can be a reflection of the vehicle or a reflection of the lifestyle of the person who affixes it to their motor vehicle.

Professional personalised plates are available from companies like The Private Plate Co immediately. These sorts of companies will do all the paperwork — it’s a simple process. Just peruse their library of plates and select which one would best suit your needs. Of course, the more sought after plates will cost a little bit more (think the make and model of the car or a person’s name) but that may be a small price to pay when one considers that the plate is there for the lifetime of the motor vehicle. And it is an investment — it can be sold on the open market when it is no longer required.

A personalised plate is a perfect gift — and one that keeps on giving. Make your gift one that suits an individual — and see their smile get bigger.



Martyn Davies

Owner of The Private Plate Company, passionate about number plates and all things car related.