9 Careers in UI/UX You Should Know

Oluwasola Odusanya (Product Lady)
3 min readMay 12, 2024

Especially my favorites (The last two)!

careers in UI/UX… #theproductlady

Right before I started my product design journey, I had always wanted to venture into a field that will also afford me the opportunity to do what I love-Research, Brainstorming, Problem Solving, Writing and somewhat Visuals!

As someone who loves research, I embarked to find a common ground for what I truly love doing after more than a decade in my professional career and Viola, I found interest in PRODUCT DESIGN!

So, let’s dive into this field I fell in love with…Let’s explore the different career fields in product design also known as UI/UX…

  1. Motion Designer:

Motion designers think about what it feels like for a user to. move through a product and how to create ◦ smooth transitions between pages on an app or website. They may also create animations or visual effects to bring their design ideas to life.

2. Visual Designer:

Visual designers focus on how a product or technology looks. They are often responsible for designing ◦ logos, illustrations, and icons, as well as deciding on font color, size, and placement. Sounds interesting innit?.

3. Interaction Designer:

Interaction designers focus on designing the experience of a product and how it functions. They strive to understand the user flow, or the path, that a typical user takes to complete a task on an app, website, or other platform. All the interactions you enjoy on products are specialties of interaction designers.

4. VR/AR Designer:

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) designers create products that provide users with immersive experiences, unbounded by the limits of the physical world.

For example, VR can feel like you’re entering the setting of a magical imaginary land. On the other hand, augmented reality uses the physical world as a backdrop and adds virtual elements on top of it. I remember my experience with this VR two years ago…fighting imaginary soldiers…it was fun though I am not sure I want to disgrace my ancestors again…Lol

5. Conversational Designer:

Conversational interfaces are everywhere, from intelligent virtual assistants like Google Assistant and Siri, to interactive voice response systems like customer service systems you can talk to. Conversational interfaces even include automobile navigation systems and chatbots! Interesting you might say!

6. UX engineers:

UX engineers translate the design’s intent into a functioning experience, like an app or a website. They help UX teams figure out if designs are intuitive and technically feasible.

7. UX Program manager:

UX program managers ensure clear and timely communication, so that the process of building a ◦ useful product moves smoothly from start to finish. This might include setting goals, writing project plans, and allocating team resources.

8. UX researcher:

UX researchers conduct studies or interviews that examine how people use a product. UX researchers ◦ often identify pain points that users are experiencing and explore how products can help solve those problems. Y’all, know I love research and brainstorming! You will be glad to have me on your team!

9. UX Writers:

UX writers think about how to make the language within a product clearer so that the user experience is more intuitive. UX writers also help define a brand’s voice and personality. The work of UX writers often includes writing labels for buttons and determining the tone of language used within an app or website. Aside UX design, I would love to someday specialize in being a UX writer!

Now, that we have looked at the different career field, one thing is worth observing, which is that you can find any “field” in product design! As a product manager, writer, engineer, VR/AR person, designer, researcher etc.

Permit me to say that product design is a channel to other fields, it is the most versatile tech field I have come across (I might be wrong though).

So, you see, product design goes beyond designing. It is wider and deeper than just designing beautiful interface…Its worth exploring!

I should ask…What field in product design “does it” for you? Which are you considering specializing in someday?

Thank you for reading, hope you got value?!

