Is This Normal: The Fears Lightworkers Face Part 2

The Psychic Associates
5 min readOct 3, 2023


In part 2 of this series, we will look at some more challenges that are commonplace amongst our community lightworkers, and holisticpreneurs and how to remedy them!

In recapping part 1, we discussed some of the challenges that myself and my close friends in the industry have experienced. If you haven’t read it, you may want to reference to the “Is This Normal: The Fears Lightworkers Face” article, where we discussed the following challenges faced by lightworkers:

  • I want to quit this work!
  • I don’t feel like I belong!
  • Did I upset my Spirit Team?

When will I become all knowing?
So, let’s dive right in and review more around the financial, social, and emotional challenges and fears that we face!

I want to do this for a living, but I fear I won’t be supported financially!

So, just an “F.Y.I.” the exact same words, and or thoughts have been uttered by every holisticpreneur who came before you. We have all had to step into the challenge of trusting our spirit team to support us when it comes to earning enough money, or supporting our finances. It is a big ask to walk away from a career with benefits, jump blindly into a new career that is not a guaranteed hourly wage, or benefit package, not to mention walking away from a very nice retirement package. And yet, so many of us have done this based on our inner knowing and blind trust. It is a calling. And therefore, we do not feel we even have a choice in the matter. If your job is becoming so daunting that just walking into work makes you feel physically ill. Chances are you are being asked to take that same leap of faith the rest of us had to do and that you should just begin to trust that your spirit team has your back.

I have a lot of friends but none of them know each other and those who do, don’t really get along!

If this sounds familiar, chances are high that it has been a source of stress for you, that you can know and love these very different but same “energetically speaking” people, and yet they don’t ever seem to come together, or in some cases even get along with each other. If the feeling of “can’t we all just get along” crosses your mind often, trust me, I get it. This is another common challenge we have. This is for a reason though. Each person we connect with brings so much wisdom to our knowledge vault, that they have to be different from each other. Their backgrounds, their social status will all vary and for a very important reason. That reason is you and your life’s lessons. You are supposed to be on a knowledge-based trajectory in this lifetime. You won’t get that if you hang out with one cohesive group or posse. You are the odd man out for the very reason of gaining wisdom in this lifetime. Embrace the awareness each soul brings to the table for you. And release the scattered “Why can’t we all just get along? vibe!”

I have these unexplained pains or illness’s that the doctors can’t explain!

Believe it or not this is a very common challenge amongst lightworkers. It can be anything from phantom pains where you are energetically picking up on someone else’s illness or suffering. If your body is just constantly in pain, and the doctors cannot explain why, no matter what test they perform there is just no explanation for it. You may have been told at a young age that you had a stomach ulcer, only for that to have eventually corrected itself. Some common illnesses for lightworkers are, heart palpitations, fibromyalgia, thyroid issues, stomach pains, anything to do with your adrenals, inflammation, and finally headaches and migraines just to name but a few.

As you can see, we cover a wide variety here, but if the doctor can’t pinpoint what the cause is, you may want to examine your grounding techniques and up the amount of time you’re doing this. Also meditation and journaling are great remedies for many of these symptoms, and finally drink, more water: staying hydrated is big problem for us. Think of it like every time we tune in energetically, we are conducting heat and heat evaporates water, if our body is 60% water and we are constantly conducting energy, we need to stay hydrated. And avoid sugar, we are mostly all addicted to this sweet substance whether it is chocolate or pop, it only exasperates our conditions.

Why do people always seem to take advantage of my kind nature?

As a lightworker, it is not unusual for us to feel compelled to support everyone around us. It is as if we think they will not survive the night if we don’t step in to save them from themselves. This urge to be “everyone’s everything” is very common amongst us. It is actually one of the biggest lessons we learn. And that lesson is to be your own lifeline before being someone else’s, and of course, that “free will” clause that every human comes with. That pesky little challenge that no matter what advice or direction you offer and know is best for that Soul, that they have their own free will, and will follow whatever destiny their soul needs to follow, in order for them to learn what they need to in this lifetime. So, it can feel draining when people constantly seek you out for advice, only to ignore the wisdom you give them time and again, furthering to cause them more challenges in their lives. Don’t take it personally; it is their journey, it’s best to just share the advice and move on.

The moral of this article is to know that you are not unusual, and that these things that are happening to you, are actually happening for you! Stay grounded beauties, I plan to share a part #3 & #4 in this series with you soon!

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By Liz Throp



The Psychic Associates

We are a team of three expert mentors here to help you discover your unique abilities through our Psychic Development and Business Development courses.