Beyond the Paycheck:

3 min readNov 8, 2023


What Excites you to go to work.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As a sales representative in a mini mart, my job can be stressful and demanding. But it’s also taught me valuable lessons, like how to stay calm in frustrating situations, how to listen when my opinion isn’t welcome, and how to be a better boss when I start my own business.

Right now, the only thing that gets me excited about going to work is the free Wi-Fi! 😆

It may sound silly, but it's the truth. I don't really enjoy my job, but I know that God is using this experience to train me.

When you’re in a training environment, you’re pushed out of your comfort zone. You may feel like you’re dying, but in the long run, you’ll look back and say, "Thank God I went through that training!

It prepared me to handle tough situations, long hours, and even disrespectful treatment."

So I wake up, get dressed, and go to work just to use the Wi-Fi to learn new things online if I’m less busy. 😆

Sometimes we think things like, "My boss hates me," or "God isn't listening to my prayers," or "I'm not good enough, that's why I'm stuck here."

But that's not true. It's normal to go through different stages in life. It's normal to feel like our prayers aren't being answered. It's normal to feel these things. We're not robots; we're humans with feelings and emotions.

So what did I do when I felt like I was wasting my time at my job?

I used the opportunity to learn more online. I enrolled in online courses. I joined social media platforms like LinkedIn to network with people and learn from their experiences.

This helped me discover my own abilities and skills. I started applying for remote jobs and learning new skills, like designing, What virtual assistance entails and customer service skills.

My thinking completely transformed.

There are times that we are in places we can’t grow (not because the job is bad) but because it’s not what we want, or it’s not in alignment with our passion .We are just there for the money.

In my own experience, I learned valuable lessons from working at a startup, even though it wasn't my ideal career path. I gained insights into business operations and gained transferable skills.

If you're in a job that's solely for financial reasons and offers no opportunities for growth or personal fulfillment, it's time to consider moving on.

However, if you're still unsure about your career direction, make the most of your current situation. Use the time to learn new skills, network with others, and develop your expertise. Don't give up on your dreams of finding a fulfilling and meaningful career.

So, let’s reflect on what excites us about our work. What aspects of your job bring you satisfaction and a sense of purpose?

