Streamlining Your QA Automation with Basic Git Commands

The QA Chronicles
3 min readFeb 18, 2024

As a QA Automation engineer, you know that consistent testing is the backbone of any successful software project. Git, a powerful version control system, is a vital tool in your arsenal that enables you to track changes, revert to previous states, and collaborate with your fellow developers and testers. Understanding Git’s basic commands can significantly streamline your workflow. Here’s a guide on essential Git commands every QA Automation engineer should know, complete with examples.

1. Initializing a Repository with git init Before you start tracking files, you need to create a repository. The git init command initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

git init

2. Cloning Repositories with git clone To work with a remote repository locally, you can create a copy on your machine using the git clone command.

git clone

This command will clone the repository located at

3. Checking Status with git status Stay updated with the status of your working directory and staging area using git status.

git status

This command will list any changes that have been staged, are untracked, or have been modified.

4. Adding Changes with git add Use the git add command to stage changes you’ve made in the repository.

git add

You can add all changes using git add ., where . stands for the current directory.

5. Committing Changes with git commit After staging your changes, it’s time to commit them with a message describing what you’ve done using the git commit command.

git commit -m "Add new test cases for user login feature"

Remember to keep your commit messages informative and to the point.

6. Pushing Changes with git push To send your committed changes to a remote repository, use git push.

git push origin main

Here, origin is the default name for the remote repository, and main is the branch you’re pushing to.

7. Pulling Updates with git pull When you need to incorporate changes from a remote repository into your local repository, use git pull.

git pull origin main

This command fetches changes from the main branch of origin and merges them into your local branch.

8. Branching Out with git branch Branches are critical to managing new features or tests. git branch lets you create, list, and delete branches.

git branch new-feature-test

9. Switching Branches with git checkout To start working on a different branch, you’ll switch branches using git checkout.

git checkout new-feature-test

Alternatively, to create and switch to a new branch in one command:

git checkout -b hotfix/login-issue

10. Merging with git merge To merge changes from one branch into another, for instance, merging a feature branch into the main branch, use git merge.

git checkout main
git merge new-feature-test

QA Automation engineers should also be familiar with viewing the commit history (git log), tagging releases (git tag), and reverting changes (git revert). These commands further improve your ability to manage and understand the history of your project.

Git is an essential tool for any QA Automation engineer. By mastering these basic commands, you’ll ensure that your test automation is as robust and efficient as the software you’re helping to build. Happy testing, and may your builds always pass!

