How To Clean A Rabbits Ears? Tips and Tricks

3 min readMar 12, 2024


Rabbits are adorable and social creatures that make wonderful pets. As with any pet, proper care is essential to keep them healthy and happy. Part of that care includes regular grooming, which often includes cleaning their ears. While rabbits are typically clean animals, their ears can still accumulate dirt, wax, and even parasites if not properly maintained. Cleaning your rabbit’s ears is a simple process that, when done correctly, can prevent potential health issues and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Before diving into the cleaning process, it’s crucial to gather the necessary supplies.

Description for Image:
 The image shows a person sitting comfortably with a rabbit on their lap. The rabbit appears relaxed, with its ears slightly raised. The person is holding a cotton ball soaked in a cleaning solution, gently wiping the inner surface of the rabbit’s ear. There is a sense of care and attentiveness in the person’s posture and expression, indicating the gentle and loving approach to cleaning the rabbit’s ears. The atmosphere is peaceful, with soft lighting enhancing the calming
How To Clean A Rabbits Ears?

Ear cleaning solution

You can purchase a rabbit-specific ear cleaning solution from your local pet store or ask your veterinarian for recommendations. Avoid using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, as these can be too harsh for your rabbit’s delicate ears.

Cotton balls or pads

These will be used to apply the cleaning solution and gently wipe away any debris.


Having your rabbit’s favorite treats on hand can help make the experience more enjoyable for them and reinforce positive behavior.

Once you have your supplies ready, follow these steps to clean your rabbit’s ears safely and effectively.

Choose the right time

It’s best to clean your rabbit’s ears when they are calm and relaxed. Avoid attempting to clean their ears when they are anxious or stressed, as this could lead to injury.

Gently restrain your rabbit

To prevent your rabbit from squirming or darting away, gently hold them in your lap or on a secure surface. Make sure to provide them with plenty of support and comfort throughout the process.

Inspect the ears

Before applying any cleaning solution, take a moment to inspect your rabbit’s ears for signs of dirt, wax buildup, or redness. If you notice any abnormalities or discharge, consult your veterinarian before proceeding with the cleaning.

Apply the ear cleaning solution

Soak a cotton ball or pad with the ear cleaning solution, ensuring it is damp but not dripping. Gently lift your rabbit’s ear flap and wipe the inner surface of the ear, being careful not to insert the cotton ball too deeply into the ear canal.

Wipe away debris

Use a fresh cotton ball or pad to wipe away any loosened dirt or wax from the ear. Be gentle and avoid applying too much pressure, as this could cause discomfort or injury to your rabbit.

Reward your rabbit

Once you have finished cleaning their ears, be sure to reward your rabbit with plenty of praise and treats. This will help them associate the experience with positive feelings and make future cleanings easier.

Repeat if necessary

Depending on the level of buildup in your rabbit’s ears, you may need to repeat the cleaning process for the other ear or until the cotton ball comes away clean.

Monitor for signs of infection

After cleaning your rabbit’s ears, keep an eye out for any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any concerning symptoms, contact your veterinarian for further guidance.


By following these simple steps, you can keep your rabbit’s ears clean and healthy, reducing the risk of ear infections and other health issues. Remember to approach the process with patience and care, and always prioritize your rabbit’s comfort and well-being. With regular ear cleanings and proper veterinary care, your bunny will enjoy a happy and fulfilling life as part of your family.

Description for Image: 
 The image depicts a person gently holding a rabbit’s head in their hands. The rabbit’s ears are in focus, with one ear being slightly raised to reveal the inner surface. The person’s hand is holding a cotton ball, and they appear to be applying a solution to the rabbit’s ear. The atmosphere is calm and peaceful, with soft lighting illuminating the scene. Overall, it portrays the gentle care and attention given to treating a rabbit’s ear infection at home.
Rabbit Ear Infection Home Treatment




The site covers everything from rabbit care and diet to rabbit breeds and history.