Book Review: Welcome to Hyunam Dong Bookshop

The Readable Bliss
Story Lamp Reviews
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2024

Book: Welcome to the Hyunam-Bookshop. Published date: 2023. Genre: Urban Fiction. Publishing house: Bloomsbury publishing

This book has all the calm vibes that we love in Korean culture. But let me warn you, it’s not a LOVE STORY. It’s all about pursuing your dream career while healing your past traumas.

This book covers a variety of topics including:

  • The beauty of bookstores and how to set up one
  • The art of making coffee (trust me your knowledge won’t be the same on coffee after reading this)
  • The importance of Bookclubs and what a healthy book club means (some bookstagrammers really need to read this)
  • The efforts it takes to follow your dream
  • People who love to talk about books and why they love it. (You’ll be able to relate to this part a lot)

On writing:

This book is written so perfectly you don’t get bored at any point. The writing style is simple yet gripping. Every character has its own story. All of them are connected through the bookshop. While following their dreams, they overcome their past traumas and be the best version of themselves. Each of them finds their place in the society according to their strengths and interests. The story was wrapped so beautifully at the end.

Takeaways from the book:

Life is lonely and hard. When you get on your journey of life, remember to find your clan. When you find your peers, keep them close.

Even if you are an introvert, it is necessary to come out of your comfort zone to meet “your” people. Because in the end the effort will be worth it and you won’t know it if you don’t try.

It also points out society’s definition of success and how it is different in reality. Society prepares every person for the same rat race. For the same steps that everyone has to follow regardless of their strengths and interests. However, the definition of success varies in reality.

“A life surrounded by good people is a successful life. It might not be a success as defined by society, but thanks to the people around you, each day is a successful day.”

It’s okay if you ever felt like you are not made for the rat race. It’s okay to have different interests and dreams than the people around you. If your heart is content with what you’ve achieved and you have a purpose in life then you are successful. No matter what the society says.

While moving forward in life, it’s crucial to not cut off your previous self. It’s vital for your healing to be connected with your past and grow from your experiences. While accepting your previous mistakes.

Author’s note:

If someone reminded you, that this is the only life you’re going to get. Would you still be living the same way that you are right now? If not, then isn’t it the time to change your reality?

