An Open Letter to Instagram by an Artist Unfairly Banned

Ben Hopper


Update: My account was reactivated after 8 days, on the night of Dec 12th. I have yet to receive any official communication from Instagram regarding any of this.

My voice was unjustly taken from me on December 5th without warning or explanation when Instagram deactivated my fine art photography business account. Images that were an extension of my artistic vision evaporated into thin air. Collaborations made with renowned performers, artists, dance and circus companies were censored and deleted.

More than 29,000 people around the world followed my @BenHopper account, connecting daily with photographs and writings that I carefully curated for over 7 years. Countless comments, shares and likes from people around the world celebrated body positivity and encouraged self-expression that went beyond traditional norms and social taboos. This interchange of dialogue vanished in a split second. I’m now left in the dark, disconnected and distraught with the disappearance of my work, and disappointed with the silence that has come from Instagram despite my numerous attempts to reach out to them. I can only speculate on what caused the ban.

I need your help to reach the nameless decision-makers at Instagram and request they reactivate my account. This is about more than my account. This is an appeal on behalf…



Ben Hopper

Portraitist Conceptual Photographer 📸 Learning Practicing Knowing Creating 🔂