When Parents transfer all their Fears into their Children.

3 min readSep 7, 2021


“Your fear affects your child's mental development”

Your kids might be inheriting your fears. I think that no one would want this.
Fear and anxiety is a part of human life. And everyone deals with it differently. But the way parents deal with their psychological-fear, has an impact on kids. When fear drives parenting, it can cause damage to the health of their children. So the way you deal with your worries is very concerning. We know it is not simple. Parents can get overprotective of their children. This controlling behaviour can have a severe effect on a child. If you can not give them a space to fall, how can they learn to stand up in adversities?

“Although anxiety is part of life, never let it control you.”

Fear driven parenting effects on children.

Persistent fear and anxiety can affect your childs personality.

Children do experience anxieties naturally, fear of darkness, monsters or strangers. Persistent stress, on the other hand, can affect your child’s personality. Evidence suggests that chronic stress conditions can cause terrible abnormalities in a child’s learning or problem-solving abilities. Sometimes effects can be long-lasting. These consequences can prove to be fatal in their life later on.

Anxious parent, angry child syndrome.

Strict or overprotective parenting can cause many problems in your children. Aggression is one of those. Such children might have terrible mood swings, controlling behaviour or narcissistic traits. Even as adults, such kids are more prone to violence, drug addiction or abusive behaviour towards their spouse. It is terrible both for their career or private life. Parents can trigger their anxieties without even realizing it.

How to keep from transferring your anxieties into children?

Be a role model, share things with them. Tell them about some fears or problems. Help them figure out solutions to these issues. Be their friend. Your child sees you confident and controlled in adversities. They might as well learn this from you. Be there for them in their problems. Once you win their trust, they might start to share their issues with you. If the kids can not get such an environment at home, they start finding it outside. And it can never be good. Give them some space. Allow them to experience some things on their own. Like birds teach them to fly. Predators teach their offspring how to prey. Let them go. This overprotective behaviour will make your children weak.

“provide your children with a good environment”




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