2 min readJul 3, 2024

The Effort to Bounce Back from 2024 Setbacks.

The Effort to Bounce Back from 2024 Setbacks

The follow up post from (TLDR: I got lifetime banned from Offensive Security. What’s next? Is my goal and dream over? Maybe.)

After a three-month hiatus filled with life’s unpredictable turns — from welcoming a new baby to a whirlwind work trip in Germany — my journey in cybersecurity took an unexpected pause. It was during this break from my usual routine that I found a silver lining: a setback isn’t the end but a new beginning.

Turning Setbacks into Comebacks

Three months ago, my world was shaken by a professional setback that could have derailed many from their path. Regardless, I thought “Instead of letting it define me, lets use this time away to redefine my goals and focus.” I channeled my energies into launching a project that had been a dream of mine: REDFACE, an AI-driven pentester designed to revolutionize cybersecurity offensive practices. (Though it’s really just at the infant/incubation stage now)


The Birth of Cybergin Podcast

Simultaneously, I started the Cybergin Podcast. Our first episode was a pilot — a raw, unfiltered beginning to what I promise will be a thrilling journey into the depths of cybersecurity. While the initial logistics were less than perfect, your feedback has been invaluable. We’ve already taken steps to enhance the quality for future episodes, thanks to your input and a promising discussion with our studio team.

Here is the final product!

The Cybergin Podcast Episode 1 — Wah you Hacker Ah?!

Why a Podcast? Why Now?

The podcast isn’t just another project; it’s a personal manifesto, a way to connect with others in the industry and beyond, sharing insights and stories that go beyond the binary codes of cybersecurity. It’s also a platform for introducing REDFACE to the world, showcasing how setbacks can lead to significant technological advancements.

Looking Forward

As we move forward, I’m excited about what lies ahead. The podcast will dive deeper into topics like HackTheBox challenges and leading-edge practices in bug bounty programs — areas that I am incredibly passionate about. More importantly, I am eager to share how these tools and platforms can empower us all in the cybersecurity field.

I invite you to join me on this journey of continuous learning and innovation. Let’s turn setbacks into setups for greater achievements.

Engage with Us

I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and stories of your own comebacks. Comment below or reach out directly — let’s build a community that thrives on support and shared growth.

Thank you for reading, and please consider following if you’re interested in joining me on this exciting journey.


“From Setback to Comeback: Unveiling Innovations in Cybersecurity”


#Cybersecurity #Innovation #AI #Podcasting #CareerDevelopment #Technology #HackTheBox #BugBounty #LifeChanges #REDFACE #Cybergin