Meet Fartr — The World’s First App for Recording, Analyzing and Sharing Flatulence

4 min readJul 28, 2019

What is Fartr?

Fartr, the world’s first app for analyzing, visualizing, scoring and sharing flatulence, was released today for iOS and Android. Breaking from a traditionally crude pack of apps via its high-end design, Fartr features a patent-pending algorithm for visualizing and scoring flatulence. Each recording creates a stunning color visualization accompanied by a full assessment of the captured audio’s characteristics: Users receive a unique Fartr Score™ — from 0 to 100 — as well as an interpretive text description.

“Fartr allows people to finally see their flatulence in full color and share those one-of-kind visualizations with their friends through social media or text messages,” said the company. “At Fartr, we believe flatulence can be beautiful and unique, and we have built an app to capture that.”

Read Full Press Release

App Details

How does Fartr work?

Fartr works by first providing users a highly accurate method for capturing their flatulence. Simply launch the app and hold anywhere on the screen to initiate recording. Next, the app interprets the captured audio and, using a proprietary algorithm, assesses four key attributes: volume, length, pitch and rhythm.

The results are then presented to the user:

  • A Fartr Score
  • A circular visualization that renders vivid color bars representing the pitch and other attributes captured at each moment
  • A succinct text description of the flatulence keyed-off its attributes

Results can easily be shared with friends via text, email, and social networks via the mobile device’s standard share panel.

While Fartr is being released as an entertainment app, the company understands that flatulence can be painful for some, and is donating a percentage of proceeds to causes supporting Crohn’s and Colitis research.

The app is available for download today for $1.99 and provides access to all features in an ad-free experience.

Fartr App Reviews


A new app has now been released called Fartr, and it’s exactly what you’re thinking. The program lets you record, analyze and share your farts. Fartr cuts through the old taboos and calls itself the “official app of the body positive movement.”

Review Link: There’s now an app in case you want to… um… analyze your farts

Android Police

Writing about farts is stinky business, but let’s all be professional here. I believe we can make it through one post about gas without dumping a ton of shitty puns… Oops, at least I tried. So we’re here to discuss a new Android app, Fartr, which is the fart app to record, analyze, and (uhm) share your farts. You may think we’re joking, but this is very serious.

Review Link: Let it rip: Fartr is the toot analyzer you never knew you wanted


Unlike fart sounds apps, that are crude and basically stupid, Fartr takes your digestive results to an entirely new level. Every time you pinch the ass balloon to expound a fresh taste of whatever you ate six hours ago, Fartr will algorithmically assign a visualization to it as well as a full assessment of your windy butt baby’s characteristics.

Review Link: Fartr is an app that finally gives you a new way to share your rancid, sticky farts

Google Play Store Reviews

There are 2 kinds of people in this world. Those who just [blithely] pass gas and never stop to wonder what their farts look like, and those who take the time to place their smart phones near their derrieres at just the right distance, and at just the right moment, to capture themselves and their Earthly creations from an entirely different perspective. If you fall in the latter camp, this app is for you. If you don’t, you might want to take a step back, get a grip and let one rip!

Mike S.

The app you need; you deserve! Sometimes you just don’t realize what essentials are missing from your life until they burst forth from the nether regions and announce they have arrived to complete your life, and they are right! Now I’m waiting for Burpr.

Christopher M.

This app is great. Now I’m not ashamed to keep doing what I’ve already been doing since smart phones were invented.

Victor Y.

Changed my life forever.

Andrew T.

awesome app!! wish I would have had it during my younger days when I was even MORE immature. lots of fun to be had with friends.

David K.

Read all Google Play Store Reviews

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