How to Choose the Right Car for Maximizing Profits on Turo

Mike McCoy
3 min readJan 29, 2023


Turo, the world’s largest car sharing marketplace, has revolutionized the way people travel and earn extra income by renting out their personal vehicles. With millions of people looking to rent cars on Turo, the competition is high, but so are the profits. If you’re looking to join the Turo community and make money from your car, it’s important to choose the right car to rent out.

Here are the key factors to consider when selecting a car for Turo:

  1. Cost: The cost of the car is one of the most important factors when choosing a car for Turo. The goal is to find a car that is relatively inexpensive to purchase and maintain, so that you can maximize your profits. Choose a car that has a good value-to-price ratio and that won’t cost you an arm and a leg to repair and maintain.
  2. Popularity: To ensure your car is rented out frequently, consider buying a car that is in high demand on Turo. Popular cars on Turo include the Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla, and Tesla Model 3. These cars are well-liked by renters for their reliability, efficiency, and comfort.
  3. Reliability: A car’s reliability is crucial when renting it out on Turo. Look for a car that is known for low maintenance and repair costs, and that has a good track record for longevity and durability. Choosing a reliable car will save you money in the long run and increase your car’s desirability to renters.
  4. Fuel efficiency: Fuel efficiency is an important factor when choosing a car for Turo. A car that gets good gas mileage will keep your costs low and make it more appealing to renters. Look for a car that has a good balance of power and efficiency, as this will make it both fun to drive and cost-effective to operate.
  5. Comfort: Renters expect a comfortable and convenient car, and choosing a car with a spacious trunk and a comfortable interior will make your car more attractive to renters. Consider a car that has good legroom, comfortable seats, and plenty of storage space to meet the needs of renters.
  6. Brand reputation: Buying a car from a reputable brand is a great way to increase its value and demand on Turo. Brands like Toyota, Honda, and Tesla have a good reputation for quality and reliability, and renters are more likely to choose cars from these brands over others.
  7. Style: Style is an important factor when choosing a car for Turo. Renters are more likely to choose a car that is visually appealing and stylish, so consider a car with a sleek design and modern features.
  8. Age: Consider buying a car that is no more than 5–7 years old, as older cars may have higher maintenance costs and lower demand on Turo. A newer car is also more likely to have features like Bluetooth connectivity and a backup camera, which are popular among renters.

When choosing the best car for Turo, it’s important to consider these key factors. Remember to also factor in the cost of insurance and registration fees, as well as local regulations and laws, to ensure you have a profitable and legal car sharing business on Turo.

Keywords: Turo, car sharing, car rental, car rental marketplace, Turo community, rental car, rental income, rental car business, best car for Turo, maximizing profits, car buying, car rental costs, popular cars on Turo, reliable cars, fuel efficiency, comfortable car, brand reputation, stylish car, car age, car maintenance



Mike McCoy

Meet Mike McCoy, a tech & biz entrepreneur blending mech eng & sys eng expertise. Successful startups & Fortune 500 experience.