Its Google’s 25th birthday

Michel Boucher
9 min readSep 28, 2023

16 Fun Facts About Google You Probably Didn’t Know

Today is a special day — it’s Google’s 25th birthday! It’s hard to imagine a world without the world’s most popular search engine. From humble beginnings in a garage in Menlo Park, California, Google has grown to become one of the world’s largest technology companies, providing products and services used by billions of people. To celebrate this milestone, let’s take a look at 16 fun facts about Google you probably didn’t know.

  1. Google’s humble beginnings
    Google’s humble beginnings trace back to September 1998, when two Stanford University Ph.D. students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, started their journey in a small garage in Menlo Park, California. The duo had a vision to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible. They developed a search algorithm called PageRank, which ranked web pages based on their relevance to a user’s search query. Initially, they called their search engine “Backrub,” but later rebranded it to “Google,” a play on the word “googol,” which represents the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. Little did they know that their project would evolve into the search giant we know today, shaping the way we access information and revolutionizing the internet landscape.

2) The name “Google”
Google’s name is undoubtedly unique and has become synonymous with internet searches. But have you ever wondered how the name came about? Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, originally called their search engine “Backrub.” However, they eventually decided to change it to “Google,” inspired by the word “googol,” which represents the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The name perfectly embodies their mission to organize and make vast amounts of information accessible to users. It’s incredible to think that a name chosen more than two decades ago would go on to become such a ubiquitous part of our lives today.

3) Google’s unconventional workplace
Google is famous for its unconventional workplace culture, which has become the envy of many other companies. With its colorful and creative office spaces, free gourmet food, and perks like on-site massages and yoga classes, Google has redefined what it means to work in a tech company. The company encourages a relaxed and collaborative environment, where employees have the freedom to explore their own projects and passions. From nap pods to game rooms, Google strives to create a space where innovation can thrive. This unique approach to the workplace has not only helped attract top talent but also fosters a sense of community and creativity. It’s no wonder that Google has become known as one of the best places to work in the world.

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4) The first Google Doodle
One of the most beloved and iconic aspects of Google’s brand is its Google Doodles. These creative and interactive designs that replace the usual Google logo have become a staple of the search engine’s homepage. But did you know that the first-ever Google Doodle was created in 1998? It was designed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, to let people know they were attending the Burning Man festival in Nevada. The simple stick figure doodle was a playful way to let users know that there might be some delays in Google’s service during their absence. Little did they know that this small act of creativity would spark a tradition that continues to captivate and delight users worldwide.

5) Google’s global domination
Google’s global domination is evident in its staggering reach and influence. With over 90% of the search engine market share worldwide, Google has become synonymous with finding information online. But its influence extends far beyond just search. From the Android operating system, which powers the majority of smartphones worldwide, to Google Chrome, the most popular web browser, Google has solidified its position as a tech giant. Additionally, Google’s suite of products and services, including Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube, have become an integral part of our daily lives. Its ability to connect people, provide information, and offer innovative solutions has propelled Google to the top of the digital world, making it an indispensable force in today’s society.

6) The origins of Google Maps
Google Maps, a widely-used mapping and navigation service, has become an essential tool for many of us. But do you know how it all started? Well, let’s dive into the origins of Google Maps! In 2004, Google acquired a small Australian company called Where 2 Technologies, which specialized in mapping and geospatial data. This acquisition formed the foundation for what would later become Google Maps. Initially, Google Maps provided simple driving directions, but it quickly evolved to include satellite imagery, street view, and real-time traffic updates. Over the years, Google has continued to enhance the service, making it more user-friendly and comprehensive. Today, Google Maps is an indispensable tool for navigating the world around us, helping us find our way, discover new places, and explore the world from the comfort of our screens.

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7) The story behind Gmail
Gmail, Google’s popular email service, has a fascinating origin story. It was launched on April 1, 2004, as an invitation-only beta release. The idea behind Gmail came from an employee named Paul Buchheit, who wanted to create a more efficient and intuitive email platform. At the time, most email services offered limited storage and struggled with spam. Gmail changed the game by providing users with a whopping 1GB of storage and advanced spam filters. This revolutionary approach disrupted the email industry and forced competitors to up their game. Over the years, Gmail has continued to evolve, introducing new features like threaded conversations, smart reply suggestions, and powerful search capabilities. Today, Gmail boasts over 1.5 billion active users worldwide, solidifying its status as one of Google’s most successful products.

8) Google’s innovative culture
Google’s innovative culture is a major factor in its success and continued dominance in the tech industry. From the beginning, Google fostered a work environment that encouraged creativity, exploration, and taking risks. The company’s famous “20% time” policy, where employees were allowed to spend one day a week working on personal projects, led to the creation of groundbreaking products like Gmail and Google News. Google also encourages a culture of collaboration, where ideas are freely shared and debated, leading to new and innovative solutions. The company’s emphasis on innovation has not only resulted in the development of groundbreaking technologies but has also attracted top talent from around the world. Google’s commitment to pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box continues to shape the future of technology.

9) The history of the Googleplex
The Googleplex, Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California, has a rich history that reflects the company’s growth and influence. The complex is a symbol of Google’s innovative and forward-thinking culture. Originally located in a small office space, Google quickly outgrew its humble beginnings and moved to the Googleplex in 2004. The Googleplex is a sprawling campus designed to foster creativity and collaboration. It features a wide range of amenities, including gourmet cafeterias, fitness centers, and recreational spaces. The campus also includes unique features like colorful bikes for employees to get around, outdoor sculptures, and even a beach volleyball court. The Googleplex stands as a physical representation of Google’s commitment to providing an inspiring and supportive environment for its employees.

10) Google’s quirky side projects
Google is not just a search engine giant, but it also has a quirky and creative side. Over the years, Google has been involved in various side projects that highlight its innovative spirit. From self-driving cars to Project Loon, an initiative to provide internet access to remote areas using balloons, Google is constantly pushing boundaries. They have even experimented with wearable technology like Google Glass and developed a modular smartphone called Project Ara. Google’s commitment to exploring new ideas and technologies beyond their core search business is what sets them apart. These side projects showcase their willingness to take risks and their passion for shaping the future. It’s this playful and adventurous nature that makes Google so fascinating and exciting to follow.

11) Google’s philanthropic efforts
Google is not only a powerhouse in the tech industry but also a force for good in the world. Over the years, the company has demonstrated its commitment to philanthropy and making a positive impact. Through its charitable arm,, the company has donated billions of dollars to various causes and organizations. It has focused on initiatives like improving education, promoting gender equality, and addressing global challenges such as climate change and poverty. Google’s philanthropic efforts extend beyond just monetary donations; the company also provides resources, expertise, and technology to support nonprofits and social enterprises. From funding research projects to providing tools for disaster response, Google is using its influence to make a difference in the world. With its continued commitment to philanthropy, Google is proving that businesses can be a force for good and make a meaningful impact on society.

12) The Google algorithm
The Google algorithm is at the heart of Google’s search engine, powering the millions of search queries made every day. It is a complex and ever-evolving system that determines the relevance and ranking of web pages in search results. While the exact details of the algorithm are kept secret, Google has shared some insights over the years. The algorithm takes into account hundreds of factors, including keywords, website quality, user experience, and links from other websites. It constantly updates and improves to provide users with the most accurate and useful search results possible. The Google algorithm is a testament to Google’s commitment to delivering the best search experience, and it plays a crucial role in shaping the internet landscape we know today.

13) The controversy surrounding Google’s data collection
The controversy surrounding Google’s data collection has been a hot topic of debate in recent years. As one of the largest technology companies in the world, Google has access to vast amounts of user data, raising concerns about privacy and security. Critics argue that Google collects too much data, potentially compromising user privacy. There have been allegations of Google using personal data for targeted advertising and sharing it with third parties without consent. The company has faced numerous lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny regarding its data collection practices. Google has taken steps to address these concerns by providing more transparency and control over user data. However, the debate around data collection and privacy continues, highlighting the need for ongoing discussions and regulations to ensure the protection of user information.

14) Google’s memorable marketing campaigns
Google is known for its memorable and innovative marketing campaigns that have captivated audiences worldwide. From heartwarming commercials to creative collaborations, Google has consistently delivered impactful and thought-provoking advertisements. One of their most iconic campaigns is “Dear Sophie,” where a father uses Google products to create a digital scrapbook for his daughter as she grows up. This emotional and heartwarming commercial showcases the power of technology in preserving memories and capturing precious moments. Another memorable campaign is “Parisian Love,” which tells a love story through a series of Google searches. These campaigns not only showcase the capabilities of Google’s products but also connect with viewers on an emotional level. Google’s marketing campaigns are a testament to their ability to tell compelling stories and leave a lasting impression.

15) Google’s impact on society
Google’s impact on society has been immense, shaping the way we access information, communicate, and navigate the world. Through its search engine, Google has democratized knowledge, making it accessible to billions of people worldwide. It has revolutionized the way we connect with others through products like Gmail and Google Hangouts. Google Maps has transformed how we navigate and explore the world, allowing us to easily find our way and discover new places. Google’s philanthropic efforts, such as funding education initiatives and addressing global challenges, demonstrate its commitment to making a positive impact. From its innovative culture to its memorable marketing campaigns, Google has left an indelible mark on society and continues to shape the future of technology and information.

16) What’s next for Google?
As Google celebrates its 25th birthday, one can’t help but wonder what the future holds for this tech giant. With a track record of innovation and pushing boundaries, it’s clear that Google won’t be slowing down anytime soon. The company continues to invest heavily in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and quantum computing. These areas hold tremendous potential for revolutionizing industries and changing the way we live and work. Google’s commitment to providing accessible and useful information to users will likely lead to further advancements in search capabilities and personalized experiences. Additionally, Google’s focus on sustainability and renewable energy indicates a dedication to making a positive impact on the environment. With their inventive culture and passion for pushing boundaries, we can expect Google to continue shaping the future of technology and making a meaningful impact on society. The possibilities are endless, and it’s an exciting time to see what’s next for Google.

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