3 Phases You MUST Include In Every Workout to Avoid Injury

Nadia Santiago
3 min readApr 1, 2024
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Want to have a safe and effective workout? Every time you exercise, you put yourself at risk for injury. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work out. But whether you’re doing cardio, strength, yoga, or any or type of movement, you need to approach your training session smartly! Whether you’re 25 or 45, there are 3 phases you must include every time you hit the gym.

Phase 1: The Warmup

You can avoid getting injured and drastically reduce your chances of experiencing joint or muscle pain during exercise simply by warming up. The purpose of a warmup is three-fold.

  1. A warmup heats your body — The warmth that is generated during this portion of your workout increases blood flow, oxygenating your muscles so that they lengthen and engage more easily.
  2. A warmup mobilizes your joints & spine — While the heat building plays a part in lubricating your joints, the movements themselves (when planned intelligently) help to engage and stretch the muscles surrounding your joints and your spine. This allows for a fuller range of motion when you complete your main block of exercises.
  3. A warmup serves as practice movement for your main workout — although this piece is often missed with general workouts, your warmup should include exercises that engage your…



Nadia Santiago

I'm an online personal trainer and fitness content creator ✌️😘🔥 My goal is to inspire & empower you to become your happiest healthiest self 💕