5 Social Media Tips You Have Never Heard Of

Benedict Anthony
4 min readMay 27, 2022

Based on my experience these 5 tips can help your brand or your personal page be successful on social networks.

#1 The Viewer Experience

On Instagram, the closer the subject is to a viewer, the higher the engagement. Starts to post 4×5 Image/videos size and you’ll notice the difference between posting images/videos using landscape or 1×1 size and this size.

It is why TikTok uses Full-screen videos which Instagram will soon fully adapt, they announced it recently. The concept comes from Virtual reality videos & 3D videos.

The viewer experience is very crucial, it is why you pay much for 3D movies & Virtual Reality games or Pro Max iPhone, large screen mac books, TV, and any other smart device. The Idea of Meta also comes from here.

Content creators use this way of posting on Instagram, the football teams, and big brands like Hennessey, Adidas, and more.

See the vivid example:

#2 Trigger emotions with your posts

Social networks are becoming complex to many users, with so much information for a user, that it is hard to get attention nowadays. Make sure your posts tell a story and trigger people’s emotions, whether inspiration, love, or whatever, make sure you do.

Example: Check Hennesy page, Adidas page, Diamond Platnumz page, Forbes, you name it, Madenge’s page on Twitter, Coco’s page those stories on Twitter, Swahili dictionary, Hade Travel, their content either inspire you, funny, or create feelings of love.

This Hade Travel’s tweet here triggers emotions and is informative, and the engagement is even higher.

#3 Be an influencer

For brands, make sure your pages are the first influencer. People trust influencers more than a brand and connect with them as a human.

How do you do this?

Create contents that bring value to them. The more the value you create more they trust you’ll earn. If you are an Insurance company, show them how important it is to have insurance, the benefits, what impact it will make on their lives if it costs them how much, and share tips every day they will come back for just that. Here you’ll play a reciprocity rule of human behavior. Once you give, they will find a way to give back.

Whenever your followers come across a word insurance, they will first think about your brand.

#4 Be genuine/ Be original/ Be authentic.

The OGs in the hometown will always be remembered and admired. People love the OGs, your thoughts matter, and that is what social networks are made for, drive conversations because algorithms favor those people.

It is why you follow your favorite pages, and also, why you see more TikTok content on WhatsApp status. Do not mimic somebody’s content, do it in your way, you’ll get followers who love what you do, growth takes time, and sometimes if your contents are fascinating enough, you can even grow faster just like Khaby Lame.

#5 Build Relationships with Influencers

People love influencers, and also trust them more than your brand or products. According to a.list,

86% of Women looking for advice and recommendations on social media to help them with their purchasing decisions.

Building relationships with them means if you’re the brand, they will always talk positively about your brand. For personal pages, they will engage with your content. The benefit of this, it will increase the impression and visibility of your page.

Social Media Influencer is anyone with influence in a particular industry or overall on social networks.

Influencer marketing is becoming the real deal to many brands worldwide.

Our Company Century provides this service, Influencer Marketing, we will help your brand to work with top influencers in Tanzania, from creating a campaign, strategy, and content to reporting.

Thank you for reading this piece of information. I will be sharing 30 tips on social media in 30 days here, lets us connect and enjoy the content.

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