Talk it Out : Tips for Having Tough Conversations with Your Partner

Relationship Talk
3 min readJul 14, 2018


We all know how love is a complex emotion; especially when romance is added to the mix. Whether you’re married or just stepped into a relationship, you must respect the fact that disagreements come as an inevitable part of it. You may want to go an extended mile to avoid any conflict but sooner or later you will have to address those tough relationship agendas that lead to arguments.

Be it about the finances or ex-lovers, it is healthy to discuss such matters without hesitating. We understanding that breaking the ice and striking up such relationship conversations can be an uphill run.

Here are some easy-peasy tips for having tough discussions with your partner:

1. Pick the Right Time to Talk:
Starting a difficult conversation right after your partner gets back home after a long day at work is not something that you want do. Choosing the right time to start a difficult situation is necessary. If the time is not right, you will never be able to convey your message clearly.

2. Listen to Your Partner:
It is important to listen to your partner’s side of the story. Instead of focusing only on your concerns, ask your partner what is burdening them and listen carefully before answering. You need to make comforting physical gestures and regular eye contact in the process.

3. Ditch the Blame Game:
Try to avoid the blame game! Allegations ends a productive conversation faster than any other issue. If you blame your partner, he/she may feel defensive and in return they may counterattack. And this results in ending up the conversation halfway and terminate the process, and leads it to no way.

4. Keep it Positive:
Being negative would land you nowhere in the conversation. It will likely turn off your partner. Therefore, before initiating the conversation, be ready with the solutions rather than repeating all the negatives.

5. Stay Optimistic:
If you’re having a tough conversation with your partner, you need to remain optimistic in this situation. You should show how much you appreciate your partner’s readiness to discuss the delicate issues and work on it. This will not only motivate your partner but also strengthen your bond.
So, to solve the problem, it is must to be optimistic!

Since, we all have flaws, focus on not criticizing or getting defensive because this way you’ll only drive your partner away. It is not important to win the argument always, even if you’re right. To resolve the conflicts in a relationship, sometimes you need to make compromises and adjustments during your relationship discussions.

Next time, when you feel upset at your partner, re-examine your thoughts and responses, if you want your relationship to endure the test of time.

Good Luck!

