How To Say Good-Bye To Your Beloved Books …

3 Steps to Thoughtfully Decluttering Your Home Library

Theresa Ann Story
11 min readAug 22, 2024
“To read is to voyage through time.” — Carl Sagan. Photo by Prasanna Kumar on Unsplash

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends.” ~Charles William Eliot

Books enlighten us and pave pathways to better lives. They transport us to magical places far away from our daily strife, and let us “ride shotgun” on wild adventures.

Even though we have the option to store our libraries on digital devices thanks to ebooks, for many of us, nothing quite compares to the tactile pleasure of literally turning the page.

For us hardcore bibliophiles, the thought of thinning out our personal libraries — getting rid of some of these constant friends — can be daunting. It feels rude, even cruel.

But, it doesn’t matter how much we love our printed pals if we find ourselves inundated with books — collecting dust on shelves; stacked in corners; coffined in boxes, hidden away in a closet or the garage. There comes a time when it’s time to let some of them go.

When you decide to thin out your library, there are steps that can help you kindly, respectfully find new homes for your old friends.

Step 1: Decide “Keep” or “Don’t Keep”?



Theresa Ann Story

30-year-career in Healthcare | BA Economics, UC Davis | MBA, Cornell JGSM | Recycling researcher; believer we can do better