Hard Times by Charles Dickens

The Reviewers
2 min readNov 25, 2023


Italian version of:” Hard Times”.

Like many others, I used to know Charles Dickens only for his most famous novels, such as ‘Oliver Twist’ and ‘A Christmas Carol.’ I read ‘Hard Times’ for a university exam, but I can’t help but be thrilled to have encountered Dickens’ genius.

This social novel, set in the fictional town of Coketown (Coke, the coal town), is characterized by a multiple focus. It would be wrong to say that it narrates the events of Mr. Gradgrind and his family because the characters that come into play are diverse and equally diverse are the destinies they will face.

Although it’s not my habit to dwell on the plot of the books I review, in this case, it is obligatory to at least inform you of the importance of the plot in ‘Hard Times.’ The plot is 90% of the book; the events that unfold shape it and give it value. It is for this reason that I feel I can recommend this book to all of you readers.

This doesn’t result, however, in a reading devoid of symbols, insights, and reasons for reflection. Dickens himself, at the end of the book, invites us to reflect on what we have just read: “Dear reader! It depends on you and me whether things like these happen or not in our two fields of action.”

After finishing the reading, you will feel satisfied and filled with hope, as well as a sense of duty towards others and the future. A must-addition to your upcoming reads!

5 out of 5 stars.

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