Chapter 1 : A strange letter

The Riddler's Brothers
6 min readDec 19, 2022


Welcome explorers ! We are more than happy to have offered you this first piece of our great journey. For thoses who succeded in solving this first riddle, you met the professor Ernest Brown.

He has reached you and brought to your attention that, in the futur weeks and months, severals documents and archives will be sent to you. Thoses documents are essential and could lead to one of the most important secret in human civilisation !

And to start this journey alongside with Ernest, he sent you a letter…

Solution to the Riddle #1 =>

It all start with this enveloppe. First of all you can notice several informations :

  • Calculation on the top right corner with an inscription under : “Wavelenght”
  • Reversed word on the top left
  • Weird inscription on the seal
  • Little information on a paper above the enveloppe : “Yellow is small, blue is big”

We can start with the calculation : simple math where we search for X. Apply Pythagor and you easily find 375. In addition with the inscription below, you could found logically that 375 in wavelenght is know as Ultraviolet (uv). Save it for later.

Now the reversed word. We can notice a arrow just near the texte, meaning that you have to read it in reverse. You can now read : Enochian.
With a little research, we find that Enochian is a font (thanks dafont). Once you had it, online or installed, we could easily decode the weird inscription on the seal : pastebincom and PMuSVxVS (following the rule “Yellow is small, blue is big”).

We now know that we need to go on and put a password but there nothing more on this picture.

Let’s take a closer look at the url of the enveloppe :
Now we still have our information : Ultraviolet.

By putting “uvfilter” into the url instead of “nofilter”, we could find the picture thourgh the specter of ultraviolet :

At this point 3 informations appears : The seal and the pattern on the enveloppe.

  • The patern is a Fibbonaci. This will be for later.
  • The seal is a mythical creature : a phoenix.
  • The word Vigenere in the top left corner.

As the phoenix is on the seal, we could easily deduce that this must be the password for the By putting this answer, we could open the enveloppe and find the letter :

Here again two valuable informations :

  • The sentence on the bottom left corner, written with elements from the periodic table
  • Again, the url of the letter :

By doing the same trick than before, we could replace the “nofilter” by “uvfilter” and find the same letter through ultraviolet specter :

Heading into this section we could see 2 important informations :

  • The new text encoded
  • The 5 stars glowing with a name on the bottom one (Caph) and a question mark on the thrid one.

By searching a bit we could discover that the constellation here is Cassiopea, and the star with the question mark is Navi.

The encoded text is crypted by a code named Vigenere. Yes that was our hint from the uv enveloppe.
The Vigenere code need a key word in order to by cracked, and Navi seems to be it.

Either by hand or through a decoder you could find the clear text : “Well played companion. I must let you know that to cover some important informations I will use something special, that cannot be seen by everyone. This camouflage is a well needed barrier to protect our ennemis to take my knowledge ! For you it will appears like a firefilter”

The key information is the last word : firefilter.

You now used to change the filter so let’s do it once again. Turning the url into and discover the thrid letter version :

Here we have 2 keys informations :

  • Enochian, that we can easily transcrip into : JRzhyCwF
  • Orange letter into the text

As we saw ealier, the enochian need to go after a pastebin. So by putting it into a url you could find a new link : and now we need a new password to unlock it.

As this state, we search for 3 things :

  • The password on the pastebin
  • The Fibbonaci
  • The element sentence.

The only thing that we can work on is the element sentence.
By decrypting the element and take their atomic number, we find several numer : 5, 12, 5, 3, 20, 18, 15, 14. Once trasncripted into letter that lead to : ELECTRON.

This could be our password so by putting it into the pastebin we could open it and find a text and a link :

Nearly 6765 years since today has passed, and only 21 mysteries of civilisations has survived.

Among the 2584 books or manuscrits written, only 5 are owned and 5 are still lost in nature.

These 2584 pieces are divided into 34 categories.

13 of them speaks about people and their culture, and the remaining 21 speaks about sciences and religious belief.

Remember, nearly 6765 years ago…

We now have several numbers that can be linked to the last piece we have in store : Fibbonaci.

The Fibbonaci sequence follow a simple pattern : each number is the addition of the two preceding ones. We can note it : F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2).
With the more recent definitions, the sequence start with F0 = 1.

In the Uv enveloppe, we could see that each number has been replaced by a letter.

So in this riddle, F0 goes with the letter A. Following the alphabet and by changing each F by the proper letter we can find :

Now we have everything we need. We can find the hidden message into thoses numbers in the text :


This final hint lead to the final step, the orange letters.

By putting a slide of 3 on each orange letter, we could read : I have an old case for you : The Lion’s case.

Once you gatthered all this informations, its time to head up to the googleform we found earlier and put the proper answers :

  • What was the case’s name ? => The lion’s case
  • What is the referred constellation? => Cassiopea
  • Did you like this riddle? => YES ! (not needed :D)

And there you go for the first riddle !

Hope you enjoyed it, we will continu our journet very soon… Ernest has a lot of document for you. And the next one will be the famous Lion’s case !

See you explorers !

#riddle #adventure #MultiversX

A & R



The Riddler's Brothers

Riddle maker and bounty hunting planner. Working on #web3 ecosystem