How to Boost Self Esteem: 10 Ways to Build Unbreakable Self-love

Jonathan Phillips
7 min readMay 2, 2024


Poor self esteem is a chronic condition that affects far too many of us. By definition, self esteem is the opinion that you have about yourself.

A huge percentage of the people in the world struggle with this problem severely but have no idea how to boost self esteem.

Are you ready to crush poor self esteem once and for all?

Great! You got this. In my journey of learning how to boost self esteem in both my life and the lives of others, I’ve narrowed down to 10 of the most powerful strategies for overcoming poor self esteem once and for all.

1. Annihilate Your Limiting Beliefs

I believe that one of the primary factors that determine your levels of self esteem is your beliefs. Whatever you believe about yourself, the world around you, and life itself has a massive impact on the way that you feel about yourself. What holds people back in their lives, above nearly every other factor, is their self-limiting beliefs.

Check out my blog post on how to overcome your limiting beliefs.

In the blog post, I’ll guide you through a process that will help you to identify your limiting beliefs, annihilate them once and for all, and then replace each limiting belief with an empowering belief.

2. Create a Powerful Morning Ritual

What does nearly every person with high levels of self esteem and self-confidence have in common? It’s almost too obvious and yet most people miss it. It’s an empowering morning ritual.

While it’s true that some people are born into families that give them a powerful mindset, this is not the case for most people.

In contrast, most people that have a lot of healthy self-love for themselves had to learn it on their own.

Most people start the day off eating unhealthy foods, gluing their eyes to social media on their phones, and immediately start the day off irritated.

What a terrible way to start the day! It’s no wonder that most of us struggle with low self esteem.

Create the habit of starting your days off with a morning ritual that empowers you. Focus on putting clean healthy foods into your body, feeding your mind positivity, or pretty much anything that empowers you.

3. Use Empowering Questions

Asking yourself empowering questions (out loud) is an easy way to focus on everything that you love about yourself. Your brain is designed in such a way that whatever question that you ask, it’ll come up with answers.

If you ask yourself “why do bad things always happen to me”, your brain will quickly come up with reasons for why bad things always happen to you.

In contrast, if you ask yourself empowering questions, such as “What do I love about myself?”, your brain will come up with plenty of reasons to love yourself.

Here are some empowering questions to ask yourself every day to cultivate self-love:

  • “What do I love about myself?”
  • “What were the wins for today?”
  • “Why am I proud of myself?”

If you have very low levels of self esteem, your first response will be “Nothing!” However, this is a good thing because it means that you are breaking through the resistance patterns of your brain.

By asking yourself empowering questions on a daily basis and making it a part of your routine, your brain will eventually come up with answers with no trouble at all.

4. Become a Giver

A lot of low self esteem comes from focusing on ourselves too much. However, giving is an excellent antidote for any negative emotion.

Studies show that being a giver is extremely good for both your physical and mental health.

How to boost self esteem by giving, even if you “lack” time and money?

Many of us, including myself in the past, believe that giving requires a large amount of money or a lot of time.

While it’s true that it’s a good thing to give a lot of time and money to others in need, you can become an incredible giver just with small acts of kindness.

Don’t think that you have to be rich to be a giver. There’s is so much that you can give for free, such as giving someone a compliment or smiling at a stranger.

If you want to take it to the next level, consider volunteering at a local homeless shelter or pet shelter.

Challenge yourself to go for only 1 day a week if you’d like or whatever small commitment that you can stick to. In whatever way that you choose to give, it will make a huge impact on your self-image.

5. Tap Into Your Spirituality

Focusing on spiritual growth is perhaps the most important of all things that you can do for boosting self esteem. Without a life mission and purpose, it renders all the other strategies meaningless.

Whatever your faith or spiritual practice is, start making a daily commitment to doing something every day for your spirit.

Perhaps it’s reading the Bible, doing a 10-minute meditation session, or giving thanks to your creator for everything in your life.

6. Focus On Your Health

The standard western diet is a diet that dramatically damages one’s health. The health of your brain and body have a direct correlation with your mind.

Furthermore, do you really think that being tired and lethargic all day is beneficial for your mindset? Heck no.

Everything that you need to do to improve your self esteem and confidence is going to require energy. Fried, processed, and sugary foods destroy your energy and zap your life force.

While it’s true that you can build healthy self esteem while having an unhealthy lifestyle, it will be exponentially easier and effective to do so when you have an explosive amount of energy from the time that you wake up to the time that you go to sleep.

7. Change Your Self Talk

I used to think that self-talk was a cheesy, ineffective way to build self esteem.

Repeating to yourself “I’m happy” a hundred times just didn’t sit right with me. However, after hours of research, I discovered that self-talk can dramatically change your thinking patterns!

That’s right, you can rewire your brain to be the person that you want to be using self-talk. You just have to fully commit to it.

I highly recommend the book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter.

He’ll teach you everything that you need to know to rewire your thinking patterns and show you how to boost self esteem using self-talk.

8. Focus On Your Accomplishments

It boggles my mind how many people are highly successful, yet they still feel like failures.

How is it that you can have a lifetime of incredible achievements and still feel like you’ve achieved nothing? It’s all because of what you’re focusing on.

You may feel like a person that has never achieved anything, but the opposite is true.

Let me ask you this: Did you get out of bed this morning? If so, that was a win. Have you ever aced a test in school or college? If the answer is yes then that is a win.

Every time that you feel like a failure, remind yourself of any achievement that you’ve had in your life. It could be as simple as learning to tie your shoes or riding a bike.

By consciously focusing on all of your wins on a daily basis, you’ll train yourself to see yourself as a winner.

This will translate to not only higher levels of self esteem, but will also create a crazy amount of confidence that will allow you to succeed even more!

9. Remove Toxic People

Whether you like it or not, the people that you around have an influence on the way that you see yourself. Many people grow up in homes where negative criticism is so common that it is the norm.

The people that you grew up with programmed your thinking in childhood. They taught you how to view yourself. The same applies to adulthood.

Weeding out toxic people from your life is one of the most challenging things that a person can do, but can transform your life. Audit the people in your life and closely examine the people that are negative or positive.

If a person is a great friend or family member, excellent! You need to keep them. If they are the opposite, you need to a.) weed them out completely or b.) love them from a distance and limit your time with them.

Doing so will boost your levels of self esteem, regardless of how low or high that it currently is.

10. Conquer Your Past

We all have inner demons that we need to get rid of. For you, maybe that’s a childhood trauma or a cruel statement that somebody told you years ago that never left you completely.

Whatever that is, your job to find out what is holding you back inside from achieving a new level of success, happiness, or self esteem.

While you can do it on your own, you can shorten the process by getting a counselor, therapist, or life coach.

We live in a day and age where finding a therapist or counselor is cheaper and easier than ever before.

If you’re uncomfortable with the idea of meeting a therapist or counselor in person, you can also chat with them via video calling, texting, or phone calls.

While it may feel scary talking to a person for the first time about something that is nagging at you every day, doing so can lead to permanent recovery from whatever you need to overcome.

This could transform your entire life in very little time.

Over to You

So many people are in a state of debilitating low self esteem and can’t see a way out. However, the truth is that anybody can transform their mind by learning how to boost self esteem — effectively and easily.

The strategies that are listed above are no b.s. strategies for easily overcoming low self esteem.

You can either stay exactly where you are at now in your life or decide right now that enough is enough and that you will change the way that you view yourself.

Comment below and let me know what you are going to do starting today to build unstoppable levels of self esteem.



Jonathan Phillips

I love writing about my passions: health, traveling, and business! When I'm not writing, I enjoy the great outdoors, chess, and martial arts.