Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Fantastic?

Jonathan Phillips
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Intermittent fasting is all the rage nowadays. If you’re anything like me, you’re a bit skeptical about the latest diet trends. There are so many gurus out there that are always coming out with something new. Grrr! It yanks my crank.

Intermittent Fasting: The Science Is Clear

I was confused at first. With well-respected experts that are both for and against intermittent fasting, how do you know who to trust more?

My belief is that you have to be open-minded, look at both sides, and look at where most of the evidence is.

The scientific evidence that supports intermittent fasting (usually 14–16 hours every day) is abundantly clear. The number of experts on board also seems to outweigh the experts against it.

One of the top scientists in the world, David Sinclair, is a genetics professor at Harvard University. If there’s anybody that’s worth listening to, it’s him. According to Sinclair, fasting literally turns on longevity and health-promoting genes.

What Actually Happens In The Body While Fasting?

When a person consumes food, their body works around the clock to not only digest food but work extra hard to turn everything into cellular material. That’s great, otherwise, you wouldn’t be alive.

The problem is when the body is constantly having to work to keep up with the ingestion of food. Enter intermittent fasting — a.k.a. self-repair mode. The body finally gets a chance to switch on the metabolic processes needed to get rid of old waste and repair itself with fresh, young cells.

You could think of it as a computer. A computer can be on for a very long time, but sooner or later it has to reboot. If you try to reboot a computer to make it run more efficiently while running programs at the same time, you’re going to run into some problems.

Are you sold? Here’s how to get started.

Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before doing intermittent fasting to make sure that it is a safe protocol for you.

To many people, skipping breakfast or dinner sound like a total nightmare. I would know; I used to be one of those people. However, give intermittent fasting a try for 1 week and your body will adjust to the point that you have no more hunger pains.

There are three ways to do an intermittent fast. 1.) Skip breakfast 2.) Skip dinner 3.) Eat a very earlier dinner (e.g. 8 PM) to sneak in a 14+ fasting window.

My Daily Eating Schedule

8 AM to 2 PM — Drink sparkling water, black coffee, and filtered water.

2 PM — Chipotle with tons of vegetables.

5 PM — Two servings of fruits (usually apples or bananas).

9 PM — The big feast! Turkey steaks, potatoes, veggies.

10 PM — Late night snack — usually chocolate protein powder in Greek yogurt. So delicious! It tastes like a chocolate pudding.

That’s it! What I love about this way of eating is that it makes eating healthy overly simple. I eat pretty much the same meals every day and never get tired of it. It makes healthy eating and reaching my fitness goals a breeze.

Over to You!

Intermittent fasting may be one of the best things that a human being can do for health. If you’re interested in getting started, feel free to use my meal plan listed above for some ideas.

Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or keto, intermittent fasting can work for you to burn fat, get rid of toxins, and boost various aspects of your health.



Jonathan Phillips

I love writing about my passions: health, traveling, and business! When I'm not writing, I enjoy the great outdoors, chess, and martial arts.