Introvert vs Extrovert: The Power — and Consequences — of Labels

The Roarbots
9 min readMay 26, 2020
Walking It Alone. Image: Lance Shields, used under Creative Commons License

As the geek label has become mainstream, so too have many of the descriptors and personality disorders of those who have historically been called geeks or nerds. Whereas a heightened social awareness of these issues can be positive, there is also a danger of casual misuse — causing confusion for those unfamiliar with the true definitions.

I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, nor do I play one on TV, and although I have had personal experience through family, friends, and even myself with all these issues, you should not take anything you read here as medical advice. If you have any concerns about mental health, please seek help from a professional, whether it be a psychiatrist or your family physician.

OCD / OCPD / Habit

“Every morning at 5:20 AM, Julie hops out of bed and immediately prepares for her day. At 6:30 AM, she enters her kitchen where she feeds her cat exactly 1/3 cup of Iams cat food from the plastic storage container in the pantry. Julie then fixes herself two scrambled eggs, a single cup of coffee, and a raisin bagel. Clean-up takes four minutes, and she is out the door at 7:00 AM. This…



The Roarbots

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