Quick Guide to Mint A Royals NFT

The Royals NFT
3 min readMar 26, 2022


Step 1 — Create your MetaMask Wallet

  • Visit https://metamask.io
  • Choose create new wallet.
  • You will be asked to create a password.
  • Then a seed phrase will be shared — Please keep this phrase safe.
  • Preferably write it down or split it in half and store it online in two different locations. This phrase can and will grant anyone access to your crypto & NFTs. Only share it with someone you want to inherit your assets.
  • You’ll be asked to confirm the phrase.
  • Congrats!!! Your Wallet is live.

Step 2 — Three purchase options (Pick one)

Option 1: Fund your MetaMask Wallet with Apple Pay

  • Open Metamask App
  • Tap on Buy (below wallet address in blue)
  • Select Apple Pay
  • Enter amount (~$400 max)
  • Congrats!!! (skip to step 3)

Option 2: Fund your MetaMask from an exchange like Moonpay, Crypto.com, Coinbase, Paxful etc: & tranfer the Ethereum to your Metamask Wallet Address! (There should be a SEND feature in every exchange.)

  • Moonpay Walkthrough Example
  • Visit — https://www.moonpay.com
  • Choose “Buy Crypto”
  • Currency — select ETH (ethereum)
  • Enter amount in ETH you would like to purchase and continue.

0.09 ETH (1 Ankara + Gas Fees)

0.18 ETH (2 Ankara + Gas Fees)

0.73 ETH (1 Kente + Gas Fees)

  • Enter your email and then verify your email (authentication code)
  • Enter your MetaMask Wallet Address into Moonpay— copy paste your address from MetaMask into Moonpay. (In MetaMask app, tap on the string of digits and it will automatically copy your public wallet address — see image below)
  • Fill out your personal details to setup account
  • Add a payment method
  • Authorize the purchase, hit “Buy Now”
  • Do not click away while transaction is processing
  • Congrats!!! Your ETH will be transferred to your MetaMask Wallet!

Option 3. Pay with Debit Card

  • Open link below and make payment
  • Click here — theroyalsNFT
  • Congrats!!! Check your email right now and follow steps to receive your NFT. Skip step 3 if you used a card to purchase your NFT.

Step 3 — Purchase your Royals NFT

  • Open MetaMask app
  • Under settings (top left), navigate to the browser
  • Copy paste link below into your browser and hit “Search”


  • Connect your wallet
  • Tap “Mint” on the website
  • Select the NFTs you would like to purchase
  • Tap “Mint” again
  • Allow transaction to process (do not click away!)
  • Congrats!!! You just joined the Royal Family!!!
  • Check Metamask App, tap NFTs to see your Royals NFT!
  • Turn on NFT detection to view your NFTs in Metamask
  • To manually turn on NFT detection, tap on top left in Metamask and go to settings > Security & Privacy > turn on Enable OpenSea API & turn on Autodetect NFTs.

Additional Support —Whatsapp or Telegram

  • Whatsapp


  • Download Telegram App and set up account:


  • Click link below:


Important Safety Tips!

Scammers will try to take advantage of newcomers to the NFT space. You are SAFE as long as you follow this advice:

  • We will never message you first, and only respond to messages.
  • We will never ask you for your account details
  • We will never ask you to send us ETH, USD, or any other digital asset



The Royals NFT

Your invitation to experience diverse cultures across the globe.