Why Apple inc. Buying the Swell App is Good For Podcasters

Ryan K. Parker
2 min readJul 30, 2014

This past week Apple confirmed their purchase of the Swell App, a podcast streaming app that has gained moderate popularity over the past year.

Apple inc. has reportedly paid $30 million dollars for this (basically new) company. The question is why? Swell app reportedly only has a few hundred thousands users. Granted, I wish I had a few hundred thousand followers. To answer that question let’s turn to what Apple is really getting. They’re getting a great recommendation engine. This also falls inline with Apple’s reported purchase of Booklamp as well.

Swell offers a very personalized streaming list for talk radio. Others have compared it to the Pandora of talk radio and podcasts. Apple’s technology has been lagging behind companies like Amazon, Pandora and the like in creating personalize recommendations.

Why is this good for podcasters?

This is great news for podcasters. Why? It shows to us podcasters Apple is continuing it’s foray into improving the podcast listeners experience. iOS 8 is said to have the ‘podcasts’ app as a native app. Stepping up from their “recommended apps” in iOS 7. More people will be discovering podcasts from their iOS devices than ever before. The young and old alike.

This next part is just speculation, but I believe when the podcasts app gets its next major update in iOS it will have some of the new streaming technology, and better recommendations that came over from Swell.

So rejoice podcasters! You might just see a bump in your subscriptions thanks to Apple. Getting your podcast noticed may be one of the priorities in the new podcasts app. Well, maybe not yours. I am sure it is a bigger push to get large content creators to be seen more easily. Like they need Apple’s help with that. But hey, the trickle down may benefit us all.

Let’s hope. Go make a podcast people love…

Oh, one more thing. If YOU ARE a podcaster. Submit and share photos and descriptions of your podcast setup at My Podcast Equipment.

