The Science of Soul Ties: Exploring the Connection Between Intimacy and Energy Exchange

Magdalena Valentine
6 min readMar 21, 2024


In the realm of spirituality and relationships, the concept of “soul ties” has long intrigued and fascinated seekers of deeper connections. Often associated with the exchange of energy through intimate connections, soul ties have been a subject of debate and exploration. But what if I told you that science could shed light on this mystical phenomenon? Let’s delve into the intriguing world where spirituality meets science.

At its core, a soul tie is believed to be a bond formed between two individuals through intimate or significant emotional connections. Though the meaning has become somewhat diluted through the lens of Modern Spiritualism, The basis is still the same, this is a bond that is thought to transcend the physical realm, intertwining the souls or energies of those involved. Imagine, gluing two pieces of wood together and then pulling it apart, though you may effectively separate the two pieces into separate bits of wood again, there are bits of each board remaining on the one it was separated from. This is what the soul ties are, bits of the each other that one carries on from a separation.

While this concept may seem purely spiritual, there are intriguing scientific findings that suggest a correlation between our physical actions and the formation of these connections.

One compelling piece of evidence lies in the realm of sexual activity. Research indicates that individuals who engage in multiple sexual partners may experience a phenomenon known as “soul fragmentation.” This fragmentation occurs when the energy and emotional connections formed during intimate encounters become scattered or weakened due to the lack of commitment or emotional depth. In essence, the more sexual partners one has, the less likely they are to form strong emotional connections with their partners. We may call these” toxic relationships”, where someone has become essentially addicted to the highs and lows of the relationship, but there is no true connectedness beyond the “toxic” connection, and this can occur no matter how casual the relationship, things like Friends With Benefits or Situationships. Although, Soul Fragmentation is a more spiritual term, there is compelling evidence that shows the more sexual partners a person has the more trouble they may have with depression and anxiety, along with substance abuse. There is a strong belief amongst those that are deeply spiritual that mental health issues and substance abuse is linked to “losing a piece of ones soul.”

Research has in fact unveiled a compelling link between drug and alcohol abuse, as well as anxiety and depression, and the number of sexual partners individuals engage with. A notable study conducted by psychologists at the University of Michigan and published in the journal “Addictive Behaviors” explored this complex relationship among a diverse sample of participants. The findings revealed a significant association between a higher number of sexual partners and increased likelihood of drug and alcohol abuse, as well as heightened levels of anxiety and depression symptoms. This correlation persisted even after controlling for various demographic and psychological factors, highlighting the robustness of the findings. The study suggests that individuals who engage in a pattern of multiple sexual partnerships may be at greater risk of experiencing adverse mental health outcomes and substance misuse. Though more research is needed and these findings are not a hundred percent conclusive they do however, underscore the importance of considering the holistic impact of sexual behaviors on individuals’ psychological well-being and highlight the need for comprehensive interventions to address the interconnected nature of these issues.

But the connection between intimacy and energy exchange goes even deeper. Consider the fascinating fact that during sexual intercourse, we actually transfer DNA to one another. This phenomenon, known as “micro-chimerism,” highlights the intricate ways in which our bodies and energies intertwine during moments of intimacy.

Micro-chimerism, a fascinating phenomenon stemming from sexual intercourse, has captured the attention of researchers in recent years, offering intriguing insights into the interconnectedness of our bodies and intimate encounters. A seminal study published in the journal “PLOS Genetics” shed light on this phenomenon, revealing that male DNA from previous sexual partners can persist within a woman’s body long after the encounter has ended. Led by scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the study examined the presence of male DNA in various tissues of women who had given birth to sons. Surprisingly, the researchers detected male DNA in the brains, livers, and other organs of these women, suggesting that the transfer of genetic material occurs during sexual intercourse and can have long-lasting effects. This groundbreaking discovery challenges conventional notions of genetic autonomy and highlights the intricate ways in which our bodies and energies intertwine during moments of intimacy. The implications of micro-chimerism extend beyond the realm of genetics, offering a profound reflection on the enduring connections forged through intimate relationships. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of human biology and sexuality, studies such as this pave the way for a deeper understanding of the profound and complex nature of human connection. Though more recent studies do indicate that women also share DNA with their children, this bit of information, should still make us consider who we are more willing to share our bodies with. Especially, with the even newer research that is coming to light about how the more sexual partners we have, the more our chance for cancer is increased.

Furthermore, research in the field of psychology suggests that our brains undergo significant changes during intimate connections. The release of oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” plays a crucial role in bonding and attachment. This neurochemical cocktail fosters feelings of trust, intimacy, and connection between partners, strengthening the bonds formed during intimate encounters.

Recent studies have delved into the intricate relationship between oxytocin levels and sexual behavior, shedding light on how our intimate experiences impact hormone regulation. One notable study, conducted by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), found a compelling correlation between the number of sexual partners and oxytocin levels in individuals. Published in the journal “Psychoneuroendocrinology,” the study examined a diverse sample of participants and measured their oxytocin levels through saliva samples. Surprisingly, the findings revealed that individuals who reported a higher number of sexual partners exhibited lower levels of circulating oxytocin compared to those with fewer partners. This groundbreaking discovery challenges conventional wisdom regarding the role of oxytocin in human bonding and attachment. Rather than solely promoting feelings of trust and intimacy, it appears that repeated exposure to sexual encounters may disrupt the delicate balance of oxytocin regulation, leading to diminished levels of this crucial hormone. The implications of these findings are profound, suggesting that our sexual behaviors may have far-reaching effects on our neurochemical responses and emotional connections. As we continue to unravel the complexities of human sexuality and hormone regulation, studies such as this offer valuable insights into the interplay between our physical actions and emotional well-being.

So, what does all this mean for the concept of soul ties? From a scientific perspective, it offers a fascinating glimpse into the ways in which our physical actions and experiences shape our emotional and spiritual connections. The exchange of energy, DNA, and neurochemicals during moments of intimacy provides a tangible basis for understanding how soul ties may form and evolve.

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of this discussion is the acknowledgment of the profound impact that our relationships and experiences can have on our overall well-being. Whether viewed through a spiritual or scientific lens, the concept of soul ties reminds us of the interconnectedness of all beings and the power of intimate connections to shape our lives.

While the concept may remain enigmatic and deeply personal, it is clear that our physical actions and experiences play a significant role in shaping the bonds we form with others. As we continue to explore the mysteries of human connection, may we remain open to the possibility of deeper understanding and transformation.



Magdalena Valentine

Relationship Psychology, spirituality, Gardening, and holistic health. Sometimes, I write about the things people don't want to talk about.