My Splinterlands Dragons Battle Challenge! Dragons are just glorified dinosaurs!
Welcome to … just another Splinterlands Dragons Battle Challenge! Dragons!? They are just glorified dinosaurs! Random flying T-Rex that spits fire, acid or whatever… in a desperate way to compensate coolness with ferocity and oversized scales!
You may think I don’t like dragons, but it’s a love-hate relationship. They are cool and powerful, but I can see their strength only at my enemies. I have only one dragons summoner, the Drake of Arnak, and a handful of dragon monsters.
The summoner doesn’t impress, as he is a medium-sized Dragon hybrid that can’t even fly nor breathe fire. All his life he has trained his skills as a summoner, hoping to win glory through battle!
My choice of dragons is limited, having less dragons then pairs of socks. The Djinn Chwala and the Desert Dragon are my strongest cards, with the others being rarely used.
Chwala is one of my favorite tanks, with 9 health points, 5 armor and Thorns ability at level one! This beast will gain Enrage and True Strike when upgraded, but my one is only a level two — with only a little improvement in speed.