A Prayer for My Husband to Love Me Again

Sam the Christian
3 min readMay 22, 2020


Using a prayer for my husband to love me again can help to heal a marriage which has gone astray. Bringing you both back to where you where when you first married. God doesn’t care what has happened, his love can help cure the problems in your marriage and bring you closer than before.

Here I have two example prayers you can use and advice on how to use a prayer to invite love back to your marriage. If it helps, I have also posted a prayer for cheating husband before which is a little more specific (if that’s what is happening here).

As a wife when your husband seems not to love you as he used to, just commit him to God. God never fails. He (God) is the one who gave him to you and He will make give you the desires of your heart.


I pray that you will restore my husband’s love for me and fill his heart to overflowing.

Please forgive me Lord for my shortcomings that may have caused him to love me any less and reveal to him the joy of being my husband.

Help me to change and convict me of things I need to change.

Bring us close again, give us both wisdom and the ability to love each other through your heart and to see each other through your eyes.

Open my husband’s heart and mind.

Thank you, Father, for I pray this in Jesus’ name — Amen.

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Just believe there is power in prayers.

If you’d like you can have your prayer submitted to the Holy land for you. Just submit your name and prayer here.

Your husband would be going through a hard time. So, ask God delivers him from whatever situation he would be in. Ask God for his forgiveness in case he may have erred knowingly or unknowingly. Do like Job of old used to do for his sons; intercede for him.

Remember the vows you made with your husband on your wedding day were before God, and He (God) says in his word that what He (God) has joined let no man separate. Therefore, it is God’s will that your husband gets back to his position. God can turn his heart and take it back to when you started. Just do give up on him. Show him (your husband) love, compassion, respect and be there for him always.

Firstly, ensure that you make things right with your husband before you go to God. God tells us in his word that we should forgive those who transgress against us. In case he (your husband) wronged you, tell him you have forgiven him. On the other hand, you could also be the one who has wronged him. Ask God to help you apologize to him. Ask God to soften his heart so that you may find favour in his sight. That he may find it in his heart to forgive you.

The wife should also show love and accord to the husband. She should always ensure that she is in her rightful position. She should never disrespect him whenever he does not treat her right. Love is kind and patient. She should pray for the husband and wait patiently for him to change. This way the husband would be persuaded to treat the wife right.

