Powerful but Short Prayer for a Sick Friend

Sam the Christian
4 min readMay 12, 2020


This short prayer for a sick friend can be used word for word or added to include the details of your friend.

You can always ask god for help. There’s a full example below but if you want something very short to write on a card or something:

Dear Lord, My heart holds a prayer asking for your healing love for my sick friend. Please send your love and protection to them in this time of sickness.

Full Prayer Example

Dear Lord,

I want to thank you for your grace and mercy. You have preserved our lives and even though we ail, you have kept us alive — thank you dear Father.

I want to thank you also for preserving my friend, even as I commit her into your Almighty hands today. Lord, my friend is hurting badly and she needs help in ways that I cannot help her. She has been sick for a while now, and even though we are doing our best to help her recover, you alone truly heals. We ask for your mercy upon her and that you forgive her of her shortcomings.

The doctors have been trying their best but you alone can make her whole again. I believe in you, and she does too — we believe that you are able to heal us of our sickness. I truly have no where else to turn to. I miss her, and her family misses her too. Right now, they have nowhere else to turn to and that is why they are praying along with me today.

Would you like your prayer delivered to the holy land for you? Just submit your prayer here.

You are our father and you have told us that when we ask for bread, you will give us bread. Dear Lord, today we ask for healing — it is your children’s bread after all. Lord heal her, restore her back to us and take all the glory!

As we hold our hands together, we agree and we decree that the medicines begin to work on her, the food begins to nourish her body and strength returns to her body. She receives her healing and she ails no more.

We are grateful Father because we are confident that what we have asked in your name is done. I receive my friend hale and hearty, and her family receives her hale and hearty too. Thank you because you have heard us.


“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:14–16 NIV11)

The Bible has much to say about this, and records many demonstrations of healing after prayer. However, I will restrict myself to one point here.

In one of the key passages on prayer and healing (above) we see a connection between faithful people praying, a faithful sick person asking for prayer, and healing.

The key emphasis however is, “the Lord”. The anointing is in his name, and the healing is attributed to him. Our prayers are powerful and effective. However, they do not guarantee healing, because God is sovereign and cannot be manipulated.

How do we heal the sick through prayer? I suggest that when we know someone who is sick, we ask them if we would like to pray for them. We pray for them with genuine faith that God has the power to heal if he so chooses. And then we allow God to heal or not as he sees fit.

If you’d like you can have your prayer submitted to the Holy land for you. Just submit your name and prayer here.

Be careful to always give God the glory for answered prayer, and encourage others with positive results. Remember, not everyone will see the same results. For some it is anathema to even mention this fact, but of course, they won’t tell you where their failures are buried, either. Those who are enduring chronic problems do not need any additional pressure.

Do not allow anyone to leave without full assurance that whether in this life or the next, God will take care of them, but be careful to do it in such a way that you are not just putting them off as if there is nothing that can be done. It is a delicate balance, many times, but the first time you see someone miraculously healed, no one will ever be able to take that away from you, and on this point you can rest assured.

