Powerful Prayer for Peace of Mind and Guidance

Sam the Christian
4 min readMay 25, 2020


We can always use prayer for peace of mind and guidance during difficult periods. God can give us help and guidance when we need it most. I’ve included several prayers below but you can start with something as simple as passage:

Philippians 4:6 (NIV): Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Would you like your prayer delivered to the holy land for you? Just submit your prayer here.

Further Prayers for Guidance

If you’re struggling with hard times you can use prayer in times of stress to make things easier. These prayers can help give you guidance and see things clearer.

Dear Lord, I long to break free from pessimistic thoughts and I want to embrace peace, happiness, and satisfaction. I implore you to transform my thought processes and help me identify, reject, and replace thoughts that are displeasing to you. — Traci Miles

Dear God, I hope for your kindness, please do not leave me to my aid even for a moment, rectify all of my affairs for me. Thank you, Lord, most gracious.

If you’d like you can have your prayer submitted to the Holy land for you. Just submit your name and prayer here.

There are certain promises that God has for us in the Bible. He promises us peace Pslam 46, John 14:27, comfort when mourning, Mathew 5:4, a sound mind 2 Tim 1:7, help when afflicted by depression or addictions Psalm 34:19,Psalm 38:23, help when afraid Romans 8:38, help with keeping our paths straight Proverbs 3:6, resisting evil James 4:7, about giving Luke 6:38, healing Psalm 103:2–5 and eternal life if we believe John 3:16 . He also gives believers the authority to SPEAK DIRECTLY to their obstacles and remove them.

You can also speak life into your circumstance or curse them Proverbs 18:21. Also if you think about positive things than you will have peace Phil 4:6–8. God spoke the earth into existence and He made us in his image. He gives us the authority to speak to mountains and move them!! Mathew 17:20. However He is also devine and omniscient (all knowing) and He has a plan 1John 4:17. His hope, in the end, is that all are saved and have eternal life, so if your prayers do not line up with his will than they will not be answered the way you think Romans 8:28. You can’t say we’ll I prayed for a pet tiger and really wanted a pet tiger but didn’t get it so God didn’t hear me. No. He knew the tiger would eat your face off. That’s why you didn’t get it. That’s why He is called father.

However, He is a loving and gracious father and he wants us to pray without ceasing 1 Thess 5:16–18 and He wants us to pray together. He says when two or more pray to Him together He is in the midst Matthew 18:20. He listens and you may not get the answer you always want but you will get the answer that is best, and better than you could have imagined for yourself. ll Cor 12:9. He sees the forest when we only see the trees. Trusting in this is part of the journey of faith. I will pray that you seek Him and find Him and that he will give you peace. Read Mathew 6 and Mathew 7. Also when you pray you should pray in the name of Jesus. And if you have not acknowledged that Jesus is Lord and that you are a sinner and ask for forgiveness you should do that as well.

God has so many wonderful things in store for you. Being a Christian is rewarding and it brings you peace and joy! Life is still a struggle for everyone but Jesus is the way to understanding it all! Proverbs 2:10–11.

I pray you find a Church that can help you study the Word of God or even start on your own but having other believers around to pray and encourage is really important! This is where God’s love shines! God Bless!

A thousand thoughts rush into your head every day, you plan and re-plan. You imagine ideal scenarios in your head and get pumped up, but then a few months later your plans don’t work out the way you had hoped.

You’re in despair but you try again, this time you have a plan B in case plan A fails, you’ve left no room for failure. But again, the same outcome.

Now you begin to question yourself, what is the purpose of your life? Why were you sent to this world? Are the plans you have for yourself beneficial to you? Or is there something better in store for you?

If you’re continuously anxious about the future and have all these questions in mind, remember you may plan your life but really God decides, and he is the best of all planners.

It is easy to feel lost in life, a little guidance during such times can provide peace of mind. To stay positive, de-clutter your surroundings, a messy atmosphere can be a source of added discomfort.

