Powerful Prayer for Teenage Sons Safety

Sam the Christian
3 min readMay 22, 2020


This powerful prayer for teenage sons safety can help protect them from harm. When they’re not under your watchful eye, we can ask God to keep an eye on them on your behalf. Further on I have further prayers and advice on using them but start with something simple:

Lord, I know that my child’s help (and protection) comes from You, the Lord who made heaven and earth. You will not let Your foot be moved; You will not slumber. Thank You for being my child’s keeper, You are the shade on my child’s right hand. The sun will not strike my child by day, nor the moon by might. Thank You in advance for keeping my child from all evil; You will keep my child’s life, from this time forth and forevermore, Amen.
Psalm 121:3–8

As a parent, you are instructed by the Bible to bring up your children in the way of the Lord and when they grow up they shall never depart from that godly way. But during teenage, the sons may get carried away by all the stubbornness and naughtiness that comes with being a teenage. As a parent, don’t give up on your children, pray for their redemption and salvation.

When praying for teenage boys, first thank God for blessing you with children. Thank God for their good growth, health and provision of basic needs. Remind Him that those boys are His and He should not forsake them.

Would you like your prayer delivered to the holy land for you? Just submit your prayer here.

Intercede for the wrongs they have committed. Any stumbling block that may hinder their blessings and redemption, ask God for their forgiveness. Pray that their hearts may be open to the things of God. Ask God that He may soften their hearts; ask Him to help them get through whatever may be troubling them.

You could also take the initiative of talking to the boys. Remind them of the things God has done for them and what they have been through. We are human and sometimes we forget, we just need some reminder. It’s not worth it to let it all be in vain.

You should also pray for the friends of the boys. Pray that your sons choose the right company for iron sharpens iron. Pray for them when they go to school. Pray for them when they go to places of work. Pray that God may always go ahead of them and protect them in everything. Also, pray that they may love good things.

In prayer there is love. Sometimes when someone is lost and almost giving up, they just need a friend to love them and understand them but not to judge them. When praying for your children, also show them love. Don’t ground them nor deprive them of meals or snacks for it would increase more bitterness within them. Let them understand that they are in the wrong, but with love. This will bring calmness and humility within them.

If you’d like you can have your prayer submitted to the Holy land for you. Just submit your name and prayer here.

Good Good Father, I know that You are the Shepherd that ensures that my child shall not want for anything. You will make my child lie down in green pastures beside the still waters. I proclaim that You shall restore my child’s soul. Even as my child walks through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear because they are protected by You. Your rod and staff will always be a comfort to my child, I know that they will stay equipped against all threats to their protection, Amen.
Psalm 23:1–4

