Pilot - from SDSN Youth USA
Pilot - from SDSN Youth USA

Pilot is a blog on contemporary sustainable development efforts around the world. We seek to engage a general audience through op-eds, case studies of projects, organizations, and people, along with creative proposals and engagement with the SDGs.

An Editorial Board consisting primarily of volunteers and members from SDSN Youth networks oversees draft feedback and writes submissions. We're always looking for more people to get involved and to publish your stories!

Send us a pitch here: https://forms.gle/SjxMYmQRYoJBEqcx7

Email elizabeth.kostina@sdsnyouth.org if you want to learn more/get involved.

Pilot - from SDSN Youth USA

Pilot - from SDSN Youth USA

Pilot is a blog on contemporary sustainable development efforts around the world, run by SDSN Youth USA.