PART 2 : The Sacred Pillars of Masjid Nabawi

The Seera
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Photo by Haidan on Unsplash

Column of Delegations (Ustuwanah al-Wufud)

Ustuwanah al-Wufud by Madain Project

The Column of Delegations (Ustuwanah al-Wufud) is the northernmost of the three columns incorporated into the balustrade surrounding the Sacred Chamber.
It was at this precise spot that the Prophet ﷺ leaned against a palm trunk when receiving the many delegations that came to accept Islam and pledge allegiance.

Column of the Guard (Ustuwanah al-Haras) / Column of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Ustuwanah Ali ibn Abi Talib)

Ustuwanah al-Haras from @hajjumrahplanner

This column marks the location of the door through which the Prophet ﷺ entered the Masjid Nabawi from Aisha’s residence. Also known as the Column of Hars (meaning to guard or protect), it was where companions like Ali (ra) stood guard to protect the Prophet ﷺ until this revelation :

Allah will ˹certainly˺ protect you from the people.
[Surah Ma’idah- Verse 67]

Column of the Bed (Ustuwanah al-Sareer)

Ustuwanah al-Sareer by Abu Huzaifa

This column marks the spot where the Prophet ﷺ slept during Itikaf (spiritual retreat) in the last ten days of Ramadan.

Column of the Night Prayer (Ustuwanah al-Tahajjud)

This column is named so because the Prophet ﷺ performed night prayers on a reed mat at this location.

Column of Jibril (Ustuwanah Jibril)

The Column of Jibril (as) marks the area where the angel Jibril (as) regularly met the Prophet ﷺ. This area is now inaccessible to the public as it is within the Prophet’s ﷺ chamber.





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