I Walked Away from My Mechanical Engineering Degree to Embrace Software Engineering

Oluwasegun Onakoya
3 min readApr 21, 2024



I’ve got a story to tell, one that’s a bit unconventional but entirely my own. This post isn’t just about sharing my journey — it’s also a documentation of the pivotal moments that led me to where I am today. And I hope that in the future, I’ll be able to look back on these words with no regrets.

A Critical Decision Point

Picture this: I’m fresh out of university, and ‘barely survived’ with a degree in mechanical engineering. According to all the textbooks and societal norms, I’m supposed to dive headfirst into a promising career in this field or try furthering my education with masters and all that. But here’s the thing — I couldn’t shake off this nagging feeling that I was heading in the wrong direction.

Lost and Confused

There were days when I felt utterly lost, unsure of what my next move should be. The logical choice would have been to stick with mechanical engineering, but deep down, I knew that path wouldn’t lead to fulfillment or happiness for me. It was like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole — it just wasn’t going to work. I might put a smile on my face and pretend or make it look like it’s working but then, it won’t now, and even on the long run, it won’t later.

The Moment of Clarity

Then, amidst the confusion and uncertainty, it hit me like a bolt of lightning: I needed to follow my passion for tech, something I have been invested in since way back in junior secondary school. Sure, it was a risky move. I had no formal training in software engineering, just some basic knowledge of coding I have been able to gather all these years and absolutely no roadmap for success. But I knew in my gut that it was the right path for me.

Embracing the Unknown

So, I took a leap of faith and dove headfirst full time into the world of coding, joined a bootcamp, and online tutorials. It was surely exhilarating and terrifying all at once for me, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Every line of code I wrote, every new concept I grasped, felt like a step closer to finding my true calling. Coding feels like therapy for me.

Embracing a Fresh Perspective

Fast forward to today, and I’m proud to say that I’m still finding my place in the tech world. Currently, I’m in a bootcamp learning to become a full stack software engineer. Sure, there were challenges along the way — moments of doubt, setbacks, and imposter syndrome — there would still be even more to face ahead but they would only make the journey sweeter. I’ve traded in my fears and doubts for lines of code and made sacrifices, and I’ve never been happier.

Final Thoughts

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this experience, it’s that sometimes you have to trust your instincts, even when they lead you off the beaten path. Life is too short to spend it chasing someone else’s idea of success. So, if you’re standing at a crossroads, feeling torn between what you should do and what you want to do, take a chance. Who knows? It might just lead you to exactly where you’re meant to be.

Here’s to embracing uncertainty, chasing dreams, and forging your own path.




Oluwasegun Onakoya

Full Stack Software Developer mostly proficient in a range of technologies including JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, PHP, WordPress, Bootstrap, MySQL, and Git.