CJC Interview: Mary Evans, Creator of ‘Spirit Speak’ Tarot Cards

These New Walls
4 min readJul 6, 2018


What’s your favorite ‘me-time’ or ’self-care’ activity? “I have been taking off work every Friday to create garments. Taking this time to explore and hone the craft of sewing has been important “me time” lately. Cleaning my house and organizing are ways I take care of myself. I love to spending time with my giant wild puppy Sadie, and my fluffy diva of a cat, Priscilla.”

What is the biggest lesson you learned in your 20s? “When I was in my early 20s, as many do, I struggled with knowing my direction. Looking back, I didn’t need one then. I was exploring, making mistakes, and figuring out what worked for me. I have A LOT of fun. I was a happy smelly mess and I loved it.

I published my first tarot deck when I was 24. This was also the age that I stopped drinking alcohol, which changed my habits and priorities. Age 27 now, I have spent the last four years building a business and developing 5 decks with a 6th one on the way.

I think what I was working toward all that time, the big lesson I learned, was to take my work seriously, or to value it. And also to believe in myself, to be genuine, to stand behind my efforts, to know my worth. I have 2 more years left before I reach my 30s and I plan on milking as many of these lessons that I can before my Saturn Return hits.”

What is your outlook on your future career? Your career industry? “I hope to pursue publishing, writing, and fashion. I’d love to write a book about my experiences making these card decks and my philosophy behind my practice. I see the future of this industry expanding to include more people doing similar self-created businesses.”

If you could give one piece of career advice what would it be? “Stay true. Don’t sacrifice yourself for success. Don’t compare yourself to your peers, rather spend time looking up to mentors.”

Who do you find in business, a personal mentor or celebrity figure to be most intriguing? I have been inspired by the community of #Girlboss because it has created space for female identifying entrepreneurs to share themselves in an authentic way. I am really into the new Girlboss podcast Self Service with Jerico Mandybur. I was lucky enough to be a guest on the Mercury Retrograde 101 episode if you want to hear me chat more about tarot :). Having their support meant so much to me and has inspired me to lift up other entrepreneurs too.”

If you weren’t pursuing your current career, what would you want to be doing? “I feel that I am doing exactly what I want to be doing. I am not afraid to change and form my business as my interests change and develop. I built this business because it gave me joy, and I intend to keep following that path.”

If you could give younger self any bit of wisdom what would it be? “Don’t be afraid of your mistakes or perceived failures. These are the learning experiences that will be integrated into your success.”

How do you define success? “I define success as cultivating happiness and expressing yourself in the best way you know how.”

What do you believe most prepared/inspired you to work solo — i.e. corporate experience, college, friends, family, etc.? I think my work has always been solo. Because my work is so personal, it simply didn’t fit into other jobs/business. My work lived side by side amongst my many day jobs until my work could support itself.”

Originally published at www.thesenewwalls.com.



These New Walls

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