Discover the Wild Attractions of Komodo National Park

The Seven Holiday
5 min readDec 30, 2019


Located in the beautiful Sunda Island in Indonesia, Komodo National Park is one place that everyone should make a point of visiting. Not only does it have some of the world’s biggest lizards but the serene environment offers a perfect venue for a relaxing vacation.

This 603 sq km park is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands and borders the East Nusa Tenggara and the West Nusa Tenggara. The islands in this region are surrounded by the sparkling blue sea.

The famous lizards on this Island attract a lot of visitors from all over the world. This, together with the very rich marine life, pristine swimming beaches, beautiful sands, and amazing forest hiking trails, make up an accomplishing vacation to any visitor.

Planning to visit Komodo National Park? This guide is just for you. Read on to make sure that you get the best of Komodo National park and the amazing attraction in this area.

How to Get to the Park

Being an Island, the best way to access the park is by using a boat. Boats going to the park depart from Labuan Bajo, which is a small town located in Flores. This small town is mainly a fishing village, with no much development. In as much it is not part of the park, the tropical vibe it gives marks the start of an amazing vacation.

Some highlights in this town include some swimming spots, eating a fresh lobster, snorkeling, and some lovely views as you trek through the farmland and rural villages. This is also a chance to see the breathtaking Cunca waterfall located deep within the Island.

Heading In

Once you are done touring the village, it is now time to get to the park. Organized boat trips from Labuan Bajo will easily take you to the park. While some people will tell you that you see everything in a day, it is better to take some good time to enjoy your tours. Set aside some good time to experience the nightlife in this area.

Hire a local tour guide to take you through a tour around the Unesco-protected reserve. This is a way of adding some authenticity to your adventure. It is also a way to help the economy and the community.

Taking time to get to the park using the liveaboard boats, give you a lot of freedom and you will spend enough time in the water. The waters are not more than 3m deep, making it perfect to duck-dive and enjoy the wildlife below.

Swim through a school of colorful fish that look like crystals shining through the translucent tides and see the manta rays glide along the ocean floor at the Manta point. Other common sites like the Cauldron and Batu Balong need some good experience to be able to navigate through the swirling waters, however, Castle Rock is easier to manage, and you might be lucky enough to see some black and white reef sharks, dolphins, and giant trevally.

Some hawksbill and green turtles and known to frequent these areas and you can get to see them too. If you are experienced with open water swimming and snorkeling, then you can be safe, should you decide to jump into the water for a swim. Be ready to jump back in the boat within a moment’s notice because of the current.

Other Islands to Visit

It is not surprising that some visitors do not get to reach Komodo Island, especially if they do not have enough time. They opt to go to Rinca Island instead. You can still see the dragon lizards from this island because of the desolate landscape while taking a hike around it.

Other wildlife that you can see in this place include a Timor deer, buffalo, eagles, and some wild pigs. Make sure you have some sunscreen or sun protection and lots of drinking water because this island gets too hot too fast.

Padar Island is yet another island that you can visit. It is ideal for trekkers and boasts a 2-hour hike to the breathtaking viewpoint with one of the best views in the park. This island is also home to the Pink Beach, with pink sands. The effect, can be seen on some of the other beaches, is mainly caused by a red coral that blooms offshore and tints the bright white sand.

A less known island with some eerie wildlife to showcase is Kalong Island. Though small, this island has something special to offer its visitors. Translated as Bat Island in English, the Island is covered with clouds of night-time creatures that emerge from the mangroves to look for food.

Into Komodo Island

Packed with close to 25 endangered wildlife species, Komodo Island is a destination to marvel at. It also has thousands of birds nesting in the dense foliage beneath Mount Satalibo. The main attraction here is the dragons. The sight of these monstrous lizards is the epitome of any visitor’s tour.

The monitor lizard, named oras, is not only an attraction to the visitors but the local as well. In fact, the locals do not east the ubiquitous Timor pigs, because they are the dragon’s main food together with water buffalo and deer.

These reptiles are well taken care of by the locals and are part of the ancient folklore of Komodo Island. It is also illegal to hunt the dragons and this has contributed to their survival. Seeing the dragons in Komodo is not as easy as you would in Rinca, but with a guided hike, you can be sure to see these scaly monsters.

The Dragons in Komodo are easy to spot in the morning because they tend to rest by noon in the forest shade. They can smell blood for miles and you have to be careful with what you carry and make sure that all wounds, if any, are cleaned. Remember, these reptiles have been known to attack travelers and they have a fierce bite. Be safe.

Komodo Guided Tours

If you want a well-planned tour, you can choose to book a guided tour. Tour companies like The Seven Holiday, offer guided tours to visitors going to the Komodo Islands and you can book a tour with them.

Remember to be Careful

Komodo National Park is a good example of the pros of sustainable tourism. The government has put in place policies that help to manage the lizards. Together with other authorities, and the locals this area has received a good number of tourists and to help protect and preserve this environment, be mindful of your waste and how your actions may impact the environment.



The Seven Holiday

The Seven Holiday is boutique DMC that operates across Indonesia with a headquarters in Bali and specialises in tailor-made premium holidays and honeymoons.