Abubakar Shehu Idris
Abubakar Shehu Idris

I am passionate about solving problems while leveraging on technology. Throughout my career, I have been driven by my intellectual curiosity to find solutions to the most pressing problems. Whether it’s finding a suitable cost-effective off-the-shelf solution for a customer need or developing one from scratch. With my purified skill set, I bring customer-centric cutting-edge solutions that enable firms to innovate and thrive. This is what I’ve done for my clients at various sectors in Nigeria and beyond, and what I will continue to do, as I provide technical expertise on industrial products. My intellectual inquisitiveness also drives me to be a lifelong learner. My passion for Technology is my driver and I'm never not working or thinking about what I do as work. I'm highly competitive against myself and others. Silicon Valley is my favourite show. I'm a realist. I love the challenge of being told 'NO' and turning it to a 'YES'. My superpower is my tenacity and my personal mantra is 'Just do it'. I enjoy traveling and spending time with my family and friends, sharing what I know best, and talking about the latest technological trends, so if you ever want to pick on my brain, please feel free to contact me: abubakar@stonetechsquare.com

Connect with Abubakar Shehu Idris
Abubakar Shehu Idris

Abubakar Shehu Idris

Cofounder/CEO @ stonetechsquare.com; Serial Entrepreneur and Backer (Stone Tech Host, Stone POS, Stone Media et al)