Eugenics Movement

1 min readDec 21, 2022

The Rise Of The Biomedical State

Photo by Sangharsh Lohakare on Unsplash

I recently read a book by Aaron Kheriaty. The book is “ The New Abnormal”

His book discusses the Covid-19 pandemic and comparison of other movements.

The Eugenics movement began in the late 19th century with selective breeding. This occurred in California from 1909 to 1979 with the sterilizations in mental institutions to protect society from the offspring of people with mental illness.

Planed Parenthood was part of the eugenics movement in the early days.

This bring us to the Covid-19 vaccines the agenda.

In Aaron Kheriaty book he talks about the similarities and The Rise Of The Biomedical State.

How Covid-19 being used to push the following.

  • Militarize the public health system
  • Use digital technology to track
  • Government ability to declare State Of Emergency for any situation hey deem necessary

Under the state of emergency have the ability to have forced Lock Downs.

All the above information available in book “The New Abnormal” and some information obtained from Epoch times segment CrossRoads host Johusa Phillip.




I am a dreamer who has awakened. I have written poetry and short stories that give hope and inspiration and teaching moments about everyday situation life.