New York City Illegal Immigration Solution

2 min readSep 12, 2023

Free Housing

Take a moment imagine you live in New York city and you are homeless. You wake up one day getting up from the the street bench you call home to find out the city of New York is going to house illegal immigrants for free.

Yes this is the proposal New York city is about to implement.

New York wants to house them in relief centers on Long Island. New York presently has (16) such centers along with (200) shelters.

The number of illegal immigrants grows everyday and taxpayers are paying the bill. The number of illegal immigrants (59,000) getting free food and housing.

Mayor Eric Adams when questioned his response he sees no end to the situation. Saying this issue will destroy New York city. New York city is seeing (10,000) immigrants a month.

To add to the problem New York city is technically bankrupt.

Photo by Hanyang Zhang on Unsplash

So there you have it if you live in New York city sleeping on the streets no food no home and you see what is happening around you how would you feel. Something is wrong with this picture.




I am a dreamer who has awakened. I have written poetry and short stories that give hope and inspiration and teaching moments about everyday situation life.