The Messenger

1 min readNov 8, 2023

The messenger lives among us watching and waiting to give his message to those in need.

His gifts are not silver and gold for they are worth much more.

The gifts he gives are life changing wiping clean the slate of regrets and dreams deferred and moments lost forever.

The messengers gifts can only be given to those open to receiving it.

The gifts the messenger holds are forever giving freely to those in need.

The messenger's words can only be given one time to one person. It is that person's choice to use the knowledge. If the knowledge is wasted it is forever loss.

Once the messenger’s job is finished he fades back into the shadows from which he came.

The messenger is like the night and the day lasting for only a short time in our lives.

So this day be aware of the messenger’s among us for their gifts are meant to be shared for all to enjoy.




I am a dreamer who has awakened. I have written poetry and short stories that give hope and inspiration and teaching moments about everyday situation life.