Deep Dive into the new Blockchain Crafting, Enchanting & Item tiers at The Six Dragons

Six Dragons Blog
The Six Dragons
Published in
5 min readAug 20, 2019

This is the second post in a series of articles where we cover some game features that you should expect in our upcoming alpha. The first article on our Alpha Waves system can be found here.

As you probably have heard by now, The Six Dragons will feature a massive open world of 64km² with a billion dungeons. To better understand the magnitude of this detail, you should consider that the epic game title — and our favorite — Skyrim has a 37.2km² of open world land. But you guessed it right… Lots of exploration hours will await you in the game. To make this experience as authentic and fun it gets, we decided not to cut corners and we introduced some changes that add meaningful gameplay moments for all player levels.

Bare with us to find out how all our different game elements will reflect these changes.

New Item System

The new additions will result 5 times more blockchain items, leading to roughly 6️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ blockchain game assets at the time of writing. These numbers, however, do not include the best set of items. The ones that YOU will have the chance to get from drops or craft in real-time (more on this in a later article, you’ll love it 😎).

Check out all our game blockchain assets

So in a nutshell, more materials to craft more different weapons & armors, and more enchant scrolls to level your different tier items. Looting all these new items won’t be easy whatsoever, as you will have to beat enemies and bosses who are guarding their tiered dungeons/arenas. Items are starting from Lv1 and can be used by a player of level 1. The highest level game items have been set to Lv6 which means you have to grow to level 50+ to be able to equip them. But they will definitely worth it ⚔️.

An example of how the item tiers system will be implemented in Staffs

New Crafting

So to craft a brand new Mithril Sword, an uncommon Lv1 weapon, you’ll need among other in-game items, like wood & metal (which are not blockchain items, yet), 5 x Uncommon Essences Lv1 which you can find by farming the starting areas/dungeons/arenas. Same goes if you want to craft a Hard Leather Helmet, a Rare Lv3 armor, you’ll need 5x Rare Matters Lv3 and so on. Players can also craft higher or lower-level items than their current level if they acquire the required materials and have the right recipe in their wallet.

New Enchanting

Enchant scrolls are treated the same way and even more! Now Enchant scrolls are not only level-tiered but also split between Weapon and Armor. To illustrate, to enchant the Hard Leather Helmet you just crafted, you’ll need an Enchant Scroll — Armor Lv3. For the Mithril Sword, you’ll need an Enchant Scroll — Weapon Lv1. Again, players can enchant higher/lower level items than their own level if the have the required scroll in their enjin wallet.


The Six Dragons endeavors to be a true Open World RPG, so you can go anywhere you want to farm and explore. The only obstacle that our fanatic globetrotters might face will be those fearful monsters across different locations in the map. So, if you are level 18 and go far away to an area with level 30 monsters, you’ll probably die pretty fast 😃.

Staying on the right areas and entering the matching for you level dungeons & arenas is a wise strategy to strengthen and prepare adequately. You can craft, find items and enchant new gear while leveling your character before moving deeper in the world. Arena Crystals & Portal Keys are split into Levels too, so to grant access to a Rare Arena Lv2, you’ll need a Rare Arena Crystal Lv2.

A first glimpse of the map of Nemberus’ bad side. Ready to explore? But don’t go too far too quick!

Item Pool

The Item Pool will remain as the epicenter of the ecosystem in The Six Dragons world. All Recipes, Consumables, and Materials of all levels (tiers) that are circulating in the ecosystem will be dynamically calculated according to the current player base. The items in the pool will be minted or melted accordingly on a regular basis and everything will be visible and transparent from inside the game (available in the beta version). This way the rarity of all items will be kept intact, the items will retain their value and the gamers community will be properly informed. We only have set some hard total supply limits for some items, such as recipes, which will only make them even rarer when the player base increases significantly.

What about the items from our last presale?

All the presale items are converted to higher end-game items (Lv6). The Enchant scrolls you hold are Lv6 as well, and you’ll be able to exchange each of your Enchant Scroll for Enchant Scroll — Weapon Lv6 or 2x Armor Lv6. Same applies for the Blessed Scrolls as well. Thunder & Fire Scrolls are only available for Lv6 items for now, so those are Lv6 as well. Materials gained in the presale are marked as EA (all EA items are Lv6) and have higher Enj backing so you can only craft EA Items with them.

On the top left corner of the token image you will be able to see the level of the item.

We know that these details might be a lot on your first read, but while playing the game, it will be the only natural to hunt for items on your tier level and will make every kill count.

However, if you have any questions for us our Telegram chat is the best way to get them answered. Feel free to also join us on Twitter and Discord, and get involved with our community & team.

The Six Dragons are coming…Stay tuned!

