8 Mattress Deodorization Techniques

TS Company
4 min readDec 14, 2022


8 Mattress Deodorization Techniques

8 Mattress Deodorization Techniques

As sweat, smudges, dust mites, allergies, mould, and spills build up over time, mattresses start to smell. Every time the unpleasant smell of the mattress makes sleeping difficult, it is not practical to buy a new mattress online or in a physical store.

No matter the weather, such as sweltering summers or sickness, a mattress is utilised all year long. These incidences and usage leave a definite scent behind. It makes sense that it will eventually require cleaning and upkeep. Mattresses shouldn’t be soaked in water and cannot be machine-washed like apparel. Here are some useful strategies for eliminating offensive scents.

Mattress vacuuming

The simplest and most convenient approach to periodically maintain your mattress is to vacuum. The vacuum cleaner’s upholstery attachments can reach every nook and cranny of the mattress and assist you in removing dust, dead skin cells, mould, and mites that may trigger a number of allergic reactions.

Additionally, vacuuming the mattress promotes fresh air circulation inside its fibres and lessens excessive dampness. Additionally, regular vacuuming keeps shredded hair from building up if you have pets in the house.

Expose your mattress to sunlight

Sunlight is a natural bactericide that eliminates germs without polluting your mattress with dangerous chemical residues. Over time, mattresses turn into a haven for bacteria and fungi. The ideal remedy is regular exposure to sunlight. Regular airing out of your mattress is another method for removing odours. By allowing air to flow through the mattress, sweat, spills, and humidity-related moisture are eliminated.

cleaning your bed’s mattress

Dusting your mattress outside in the sun is another traditional method for removing odours. Use a large, heavy stick to beat the mattress several times to remove dust. It enables dust mites and other allergens to force their way out of hard-to-reach areas that vacuum cleaners cannot reach. Make cautious not to use too much force throughout this process to prevent any harm to the mattress.

Keep an eye on your bedding

Regular bedding accessories are also to blame for your mattress smelling bad. It is therefore essential to regularly maintain them. Although you can’t clean your mattress every day, you can keep your mattress from smelling for a long time by often cleaning the bedding accessories.

One of the simplest ways to maintain a clean, odor-free mattress is to often wash your bed linen. Every week, replace the covers for your mattress, sheets, or cushions with clean ones. Additionally, stay away from using worn-out bed linens and mattress protectors to keep the mattress clean. Do not change your bedding if you are ill without carefully cleaning it with soap and disinfectant.

Utilize cooking equipment

You can deodorise your mattress using a variety of tools that you might locate in your home. The best examples of readily available and inexpensive mattress deodorizers are many common components in the kitchen.

Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the components that are easily accessible in your home. Using a flour sifter, sprinkle it on your mattress to create a thick layer, then let it there for a few hours. The chemical composition of the baking soda helps to mask the unpleasant smells of the mattress. Vacuum the baking soda completely using a vacuum. As you cover the mattress with baking soda, keep the windows open to allow fresh air to circulate in the room.

vinegar and water combined

Vinegar works wonders on spills and stains. Spray the stains lightly with a solution of one part distilled white vinegar to one part water. Avoid overusing it or wetting the mattress with it. Allow the mattress to naturally dry out afterwards. Airing out the mattress helps to mask the scent of the vinegar mixture, despite how strong it smells. Additionally, you can add a few drops of essential oil to mask the vinegar odour and impart a fresh scent to the mattress.

Wheat Starch

Body oil that mattresses regularly absorb gives out a bad odour. Body oil stains and odour are efficiently cleaned and eliminated with cornstarch and baking soda. The mixture should be applied on the mattress and left for a while. After that, take it out with a vacuum and let the mattress breathe.


Lemon has natural balancing and antimicrobial properties. Without caring about the juice or pulp’s stickiness, gently wipe the surface of the mattress with lemon slices. For optimal results, let it air dry for a few hours. It destroys bacteria and germs on the mattress in addition to getting rid of the bad smell.

Utilize a mattress protector.

Your mattress can be kept clean and odor-free by using a mattress covering. Better than standard mattress protectors are those that are waterproof or water-resistant. A great example of a mattress protector that offers the best defence against stains, mites, allergens, and sweat is the Bamboo Mattress Protector from the Sleep Company.

Use a mattress with air circulation.

Allowing air to circulate between the fibres is the greatest way to stop a mattress from smelling nasty. In fact, some of the best mattress manufacturers

in India, such as The Sleep Company, have created mattresses with a grid structure and built-in air channels. These air channels allow the mattress to breathe and keep it fresh.

Replacing Your Old Mattress

Replace your mattress with a new one if it is far too old and past its prime. Try to purchase mattresses online that are long-lasting and made of high-quality materials. If you want to replace your current mattress, the Sleep company’s SmartGRID mattress is a fantastic choice.

In conclusion:

It’s not difficult to deodorise a mattress, but it’s more crucial to maintain cleanliness and a healthy sleeping environment.



TS Company

Buy mattress online from The Sleep Company, India’s 1st & Only SmartGRID mattress brand in India. https://thesleepcompany.in/