Peaceful, Calm, Now

Will Do
2 min readDec 21, 2018

11/19/2017 02:00 AM:

Sitting, walking, then sitting again while pondering happiness on this cool clear Florida night. My thoughts turn to time and acceptance. No new revelations were revealed that night, instead what I found was a deeper understanding of the importance of the present.

Acceptance of the moment is perhaps the most important action we must learn in order to live a happy life. Without it there can be no true happiness. We must realize and accept that the past is gone and that in reality there is no future either. What that leaves is only this moment right here. This one second in time, right now is truly the only time that matters.

I have heard this disputed many times by many people, but their arguments do not hold up in reality. The past is gone, over, finished. Thinking about it or trying to relive it, will never bring it back or change it. It is gone forever.

The future can be a very powerful or a very dangerous thing. Powerful in that it can create hope and let us glimpse what the work we are doing today might produce. The danger lies in if we remain focused on the future alone. By doing this we sacrifice the present moment, which is where life happens.

Learn from the past, remain mindful of the future, but stay in the moment. Right now all things are possible. In fact this endless moment…



Will Do

Living positive by thinking positive.