Empowering San Silvestre: A Community-Driven Development Project in Bolivia


In the heart of Cochabamba, Bolivia, lies San Silvestre, a semi-urban community grappling with insufficient infrastructure and limited access to essential services. An intern with Fundación Pro-Habitat, a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in impoverished communities, is leading a transformative project aimed at addressing the root causes of poverty in San Silvestre.

San Silvestre faces challenges such as inadequate utilities, a lack of educational facilities, and limited opportunities for parents to work due to childcare responsibilities. To combat these issues, the community-driven plan centers on self-sustainability, offering residents the tools to uplift themselves and pave the way for future generations.

The cornerstone of the project is the construction of a multipurpose building that will serve as a free daycare and education center. This facility aims to empower parents by providing a safe space for their children during working hours while offering educational workshops to enhance their skills.

Self-Sustainability Focus

The project’s approach is rooted in avoiding paternalism and fostering independence within the community. By enabling parents to enter the workforce, the daycare will break the cycle of economic dependency, creating a more self-sufficient environment. Simultaneously, the education center will host evening workshops focusing on skill development for adults, and homework assistance for students, thereby increasing overall employability and educational attainment.

Community Leadership

A board of directors, comprising five elected community members, will assume leadership roles, ensuring the sustainability of the project beyond the project creator’s internship. These community leaders will be crucial points of contact, ensuring continuity and community ownership.

Volunteer-Driven Initiative

The success of the project lies in the active involvement of community volunteers. The daycare and education center will be entirely staffed by committed volunteers, allowing it to remain free of charge. Manual labor for construction and maintenance will also be undertaken by community volunteers, significantly reducing costs. The project has garnered support from 18 daycare volunteers, 34 workers for manual labor, and 12 volunteer advisors with construction experience.

Funding Needs

While the project has made progress with the laying of the building’s foundation using a small grant, additional funds are needed to complete the daycare/education center. A minimum of $2000 is required for raw building materials and basic supplies. Once operational, the San Silvestre Community Fund, sustained by a slight increase in monthly family contributions, will cover long-term maintenance costs.

Support the Initiative:

You can support the San Silvestre Community Center project on GoGetFunding, at https://gogetfunding.com/community-development-in-bolivia/.



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