
Ciphershastra — ThirtyFive Puzzle

Roberto Cano


You can find the challenge here:

This was a lot of fun to solve. The first thing you need to realize in this puzzle is that it is using the EIP-712: this is a standard for the creation and validation of signatures in smart contracts using structured data. You can read more about it here.

The signature

Following the signItLikeYouMeanIt function we can see that it is validating the signature of the structured data called SIGNING. The structure of this data is revealed through the SIGNING_TYPEHASH value, which defines SIGNING to be:

SIGNING(uint16 nonce,uint256 expiry)

Thus we need to sign a structured data containing nonce and expiry with the caller's wallet in order to pass the signature verification check. For this signature, and according to EIP-712, we need to also pass a domain which contains the following data:

domain = { name: string, version: string, chainId: number, verifyingContract: address, };

The data for this fields is in the contract itself, and we can find the clue in this line of the constructor:

DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, name_, version_, chainId, address(this)));

name_ and version_ come from the constructor parameters. chainId is the chain ID of the network where the contract is deployed, which is 4 for the Rinkeby network. And finally the address of the ThirtyFive contract itself which is given in the challenge description. For the name_ and version_ we can simply look at the bytecode of the deployed contract in Etherscan and extract the constructor parameters from there:

000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a // String length = 10 5468697274794669766500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // String = "ThirtyFive" 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 // String length = 4 3133333700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 // String = "1337"

So name_ is "ThirtyFive" (without the quotes) and version_ is "1337" (without the quotes). Now we can finally create the signature using Ethers.js that offers us this functionality:

        const domain = {
name: "ThirtyFive",
version: "1337",
chainId: 4,
verifyingContract: thirtyFiveChallenge.address,
// The named list of all type definitions
const types = {
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint16" },
{ name: "expiry", type: "uint256" },
// The data to sign
const value = {
nonce: nonce,
expiry: hre.ethers.constants.MaxUint256,
const signature = await signer._signTypedData(domain, types, value);

The nonce

Now that we have the signature we can call signItLikeYouMeanIt and pass the check. However, when we look at giveMeMyToken we see that it requires the sent nonce to be:

nonces[msg.sender] > 0x5014C3

But the signItLikeYouMeanIt function requires:

require(nonce == nonces[msg.sender] + 1, "Invalid Nonce");

Meaning we should send 0x5014C3 signatures before we can really access the giveMeMyToken function. This, of course, needs to be hacked! And to do so we need to realize a little nasty piece of code in the signItLikeYouMeanIt function:

bytes32 slot = keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, 0)); assembly { sstore(slot, calldataload(4)) }

What is that doing? The slot calculation is taking the msg.sender and the number 0, encoding then and then hashing them. This sounds a lot like the way mappings storage is layed out. In a mapping you take the key value (in this case msg.sender) padded to 32 bytes, concatenate it to the original slot position of the mapping and hash it together (check the description here). In this case the slot 0 is used (from abi.encode(msg.sender, 0) and we see that in the contract, the slot 0 is occupied by:

mapping(address => uint24) public nonces;

Why this variable and not any of the other that appear before? Because they are constants and immutables that do not occupy storage space. So what those lines of code are doing is effectively storing in nonces[msg.sender] the 32 bytes of calldata that are at offset 4.

And what is the calldata? Well, it is what is passed in a transaction in order to call a function in Solidity. In particular the calldata has 4 initial bytes with the function selector, this is, the ID of the function to be called, and then the encoding of the input parameters. One particularity of Solidity is that for data types (like uint16 or uint256) it expects each data type to always be padded to 32 bytes. This means that a uint16 in reality is occupying 32 bytes of calldata. And why is that important? Whell, we are passing a uint16 for the nonce value, but under the hood it is padded to 32 bytes, and then we are copying those 32 bytes into the nonces mapping. What if we could pad the input parameter in a different way to trick the code into thinking that we are passing a nonce of 1, but in reality we would be passing something else?

For example, passing a value of 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF0001 would trick the code into thinking that we are passing a nonce of 1 because Solidity would take the value as a uint16 to compare it in the following check:

require(nonce == nonces[msg.sender] + 1, "Invalid Nonce");

But then it would go into copying the whole value when copying the calldata here:

bytes32 slot = keccak256(abi.encode(msg.sender, 0));
assembly { sstore(slot, calldataload(4)) }

Because the nonces mapping maps the nonce from an address to a uint24, the end result would be that nonces[msg.sender] would end up having the value 0xFF0001, which is greater than 0x5014C3 and it would allow us to pass the check in giveMeMyToken.

Doing this is trivial with Ethers.js, we just need to encode the function call and then modify the required calldata bytes:

// Create custom encoded data
const signItLikeYouMeanItABI = [
"function signItLikeYouMeanIt(uint16 nonce, uint256 deadline, bytes memory signature)",
const signItLikeYouMeanItIFace = new hre.ethers.utils.Interface(signItLikeYouMeanItABI);
const encodedData = signItLikeYouMeanItIFace.encodeFunctionData("signItLikeYouMeanIt", [
// The trick is that the nonce being an uint16 is actually encoded as a uint256. We will take
// advantage of that to pass a bigger value that will be set into the nonces map
const fixedEncodedData =
encodedData.substring(0, 10) +
+ encodedData.substring(70);

We end up passing the encoded nonce as 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0001 and send it with a raw transaction to the challenge contract:

const tx = await signer.sendTransaction({ to: thirtyFiveChallenge.address, data: fixedEncodedData, }); return tx.wait();

The token

The giveMeMyToken will emit an event with the generated token. We can read the event to retrieve the token:

const filter = thirtyFiveChallenge.filters.TokenGen(signer.address); const events = await hre.ethers.provider.getLogs(filter); const token = events[0].topics[2];

And finally call the pwn function with it to increase our pwn counter to 1! Good job!

However, to really solve the challenge, we need to call pwn at least three times. This, however, seems difficult to do because this line in pwn:

require(!identifiers[id], "Already executed");

prevents us from reusing the same token twice, and this line in giveMeMyToken:

if (nonces[msg.sender] > 0x5014C3 && !isTokenGenerated[msg.sender]) {

prevents us from generating a second token. Oh, what can we do!!

Let’s look again at the pwn function. It checks the that passed token is valid, and then it calculates an ID that will be used to check whether the token has already being used. This ID is calculated like this:

bytes32 id = keccak256(;

Where is the calldata of the function. The calldata, as we discussed earlier, is the function selector, plus the parameters, which in this case is the bytes32 token. Unfortunately it seems that we cannot do much, because if we touch any of the two values the pwn function will not work. Or will it? Indeed we cannot touch any of the two values...but nothing prevents us from sending more calldata to the function call, even if it's not going to be used. If we send just 1 extra byte at the end of the calldata, the function call will still work, the token value will be valid, but we will mess the ID generation, thus assining different IDs to the same token value. This is also easy to do in Ethers.js:

const pwnABI = ["function pwn(bytes32 token)"]; 
const pwnIFace = new hre.ethers.utils.Interface(pwnABI);
let encodedData = pwnIFace.encodeFunctionData("pwn", [token]);
if (extraData) { encodedData += extraData; }

Where extraData is any extra data we want to include in the calldata. With this, we can call the pwn function with the same token by passing an extra data of 0x00, 0x01 and 0x02 consecutevely. Challenge pwnd!!

Github Repo

You can find this solution plus others for the Ciphershashtra Challenge in my Github repo:

About me

My name is Roberto Cano and you can find me at



Roberto Cano

Founder of The Solid Chain and Engineer with more than 20 years of experience offering Web3 Development, Architecture and Leadership services.