Scott Hendrixson
4 min readJul 30, 2020

Cold logic, heated exchange

Does the topic of 'artificial intelligence' confuse you?

Don't be alarmed or surprised if it does, it's thrown around way too much, for far too many things that it doesn't actually get used much for. Our current culture loves using that term, like Quantum, or using the word "literally", literally way too many times. We tend to have a penchant for wanting to overuse something so specific. And with our culture, globally especially, being more and more intertwined given the relationships of us to our machines, the term 'artificial intelligence' should be easy to understand and distilled to it's simplicity. Other topics such as mathematics, and Engineering itself, are also of vital importance but never distilled far enough, so many more people can take advantage of the knowledge imparted therein.

Machines of some sort or another, have been advanced through philosophy and directly tied, to the culture of their inception, for as long as humans could remember. Our ability to form memories that themselves optimize over time depending on what we do, directly relates to our well-being to the tools that we create; more and more abstract notions and constructs, such as artificial intelligence being one of the major ones, will affect us from today forward into the future. With the advent of such tool sets, and the ease of access to technology nowadays, understanding the true essence of artificial intelligence and how it can better lead to more creative ways of understanding ourselves and the world around us, it will be necessary for everyone possible to get their hands on AI. Just like money and economics can create class division, a low understanding of the necessary tools of the future, will make such a divide even larger and deeper not that far off into the future also. Ironically being a possible Pandora's Box, if not understood properly by the majority of people for which it can easily help create a better quality of life for too.

The constructions of such algorithms and tools for which we can use through artificial intelligence, make the seemingly impossible possible. What once used to be hard to understand, can be computed in a matter of microseconds, allowing for us to have more analysis and freedom of time to create what we can from such endeavors. New understandings through technology, tend to be the new phase for which culture is finding itself nowadays; obvious, but quite overlooked. when supposedly tried-and-true methods don't seem to get the actual results we want, and we are forced to integrate other ways of planning, simplifying such combination connections, becomes a must! Inventing new ways to understand the very processes of concept creation become a much needed toolset for our complex world. Given the rise of computational approaches to mathematics being a recently newborn norm, newfound approaches have become widespread; well versed and nuanced, the creators of such frameworks take on what used to be too abstract to bother with before. Simplification of appraisal become a norm, which we all net benefit from.

One such field that benefits directly from this is that of economics. When we think of economics, we tend to think of the general ideas that that are given to us, without thinking too much of different styles of approaching such ideas. Approaches of statistical analysis are as pervasive as the amount of companies on Wall Street; too many to count and few worth investing one's time and energy into. Having seen that the marketplace is a perfect example of how chaos theory and other similar ideas interact in livetime, makes it even harder to understand; the simplicity of the basic elements that exist within those systems seem to be neglected, until recent discovery may be proving another way to see things, possibly.

Utilizing the mechanics of artificial intelligent has created a new synthesis of symmetric analysis. Symmetric organizations of data in different styles of mathematics have been determined to have much mor merit than what has come up, beyond the usual way to understand economics, and the streams of values it encompasses. The new ideas pervading the deeper levels of pure mathematics, has been done by thermodynamic economics becoming a mainstay amongst those already in the know. Perhaps the physical properties of thermodynamics, especially entropy and entropic principles, shows new insight to what can be understood in our everyday lives; the very basic interactions between individuals and the multitudes of characteristics that can come forth from the everyday. The necessity of artificial intelligence and the usability by many people, will most likely give rise to even more simplified forms of hyper complex theorems, simply because AI makes it possible. The supposed impossible just becomes another factor, as history has shown time and time again; the very tools that we end up creatively organizing, become what time and time again has proven, a necessary leap in the right direction.

A very cool and almost obvious thing happens when both of these theories are structured correctly. With computational mechanics being employed in place of discrete mathematics itself, the AI can and does figure out the fundamental mechanics that may have been overlooked by humans, which tends to happen alot. Given this known reality what should have been obvious, artificial intelligence become a quasi mental tool set for us to determine the proper understanding with almost any system nowadays. Equations that work with volume & temperature to show states of entropy in a system and their limits, such as 0 ≤ Hmin(X) ≤ HRenyi(X) ≤ HShannon(X) ≤ Hmax(X), become akin to a general view of a market with Cost, Fuel, Product & Capital taken into account but further expanded upon. AI algorithms' show the symmetries in the two systems, as computationally symmetric also. These profound understandings, of a seemingly impossible to change system, is shown to be changeable through higher order intelligences; this time machines win out.

Scott Hendrixson

Just a curious computer engineer, exploring all that's out there.