A Perspective on Work Ethics

3 min readJun 9, 2024
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

In every workplace, there are typically two types of employees: those who show up expecting praise and pay without much effort, and those who consistently go above and beyond. I’d like to discuss the former group – those who just show up and expect it all.

If this describes you and you’re content with it, that’s perfectly fine. My message is not to judge but to provide insight for those who might not know better because they’re following others’ lead. It’s common to see colleagues who spend time on their phones or put in minimal effort and think, “I’ll do the same or a bit better and hope for advancement.”

The Benefits of Doing Your Best

It’s true that some people manage to get ahead by doing the bare minimum. However, imagine how much more they could achieve if they tried harder. Being a team player means more than just following those who don’t want to work. It’s about following the diligent ones or becoming a leader who creates a fun, safe, and productive work environment.

Personal Growth and Opportunity

By giving your best at work, you gain invaluable skills, even if your current employer doesn’t appreciate you. These skills can help you find a better job or even start your own company. Plus, you never know who is watching. Your efforts might go unnoticed at times, but believe me, someone is always observing.

Real-life Examples

Consider my friend who took on extra tasks, including those of her superiors. Despite working late nights and not receiving a raise, she never felt sorry for herself. Instead, she valued the skills she acquired. When the job market was tough, she was still offered jobs and career development opportunities, including paid courses, transportation, and flexible work options.

In my own experience, the recognition of my name helped my sister get a meeting with a CEO because his assistant remembered me. Or the client who said she could buy what I sell anywhere in the world but chose to come to me because of our positive interaction. This shows that people are always watching.


Always do your job well and go the extra mile if possible. This not only benefits your current company but also enhances your own skillset and reputation. If you enjoy your job, your efforts help keep the business running, securing your position. If not, your hard work prepares you for better opportunities elsewhere.

The job market is ever-changing, and moving on is easier now than ever. So, if you’re not satisfied with your current role, find something else. Just remember to give your best in whatever you do, knowing that it’s contributing to your growth. Whether it’s the pay, the people you meet, or simply getting out of the house, use that gratitude to fuel your best efforts and ensure the job is done well.


B. Xxxxx

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Just another perspective on life… for those who resonate and those who are just curious to what goes on in my mind. Xxx