Understanding the USCIS Translation Requirements

The Spanish Group LLC
4 min readAug 15, 2023

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processes a vast number of immigration applications each year. For individuals seeking immigration benefits, it is crucial to understand the translation requirements set forth by USCIS. This article aims to provide clarity on whether USCIS requires translations to be notarized, who can translate legal documents for USCIS, common immigration documents that require USCIS certified translation, and whether individuals can translate their own documents for USCIS.

Does USCIS Need the Translation to be Notarized?

One common question that arises when preparing documents for USCIS is whether the translations need to be notarized. The answer to this question is no. USCIS does not require translations to be notarized. However, it is important to note that USCIS does have specific requirements when it comes to translations. The translations must be accurate and complete, and they should include a certification by the translator attesting to their competency in both English and the foreign language. Additionally, the translator must provide their contact information, signature, and date of translation.

While notarization is not required, it is advisable to seek the USCIS translation services of a professional translator or translation agency to ensure the accuracy and quality of the translations. Professional translators who specialize in USCIS translations are familiar with the specific requirements and can provide the necessary certification. This can help avoid delays or potential issues with the USCIS application process.

Who Can Translate Legal Documents for USCIS?

When it comes to translating legal documents for USCIS, it is important to choose a competent and qualified translator. USCIS requires translations to be done by individuals who are fluent in both English and the foreign language. They should have a good understanding of legal terminology and concepts to accurately convey the meaning of the original document. While there is no specific certification required for translators, it is advisable to choose someone who has relevant experience and expertise in legal translations.

Professional translation service who specialize in USCIS translations are often the best choice. They have the necessary language skills and knowledge of legal terminology to produce accurate and reliable translations. It is important to work with a translator who has a track record of providing high-quality translations and can meet the specific requirements set forth by USCIS.

Common Immigration Documents That Require USCIS Certified Translation

USCIS requires certified translations for various immigration documents. Some of the common immigration documents that require certified translation are:

  • Birth Certificates: If you are submitting a birth certificate from a non-English speaking country, it must be translated into English. The translation should include the necessary certification by the translator.
  • Marriage Certificates: If you are submitting a marriage certificate from a non-English speaking country, it must also be translated into English. The translation should meet the same requirements as the birth certificate translation.
  • Passports and Identification Documents: If you are submitting a passport or any other identification document that is not in English, it must be translated. The translation should be certified and meet USCIS requirements.
  • Academic Transcripts and Diplomas: If you are submitting academic transcripts or diplomas from a non-English speaking country, they must be translated into English. The translation should be certified and meet USCIS requirements.

These are just a few examples of the immigration documents that require certified translation. It is important to carefully review the USCIS requirements and ensure that all necessary documents are translated accurately and certified by a qualified translator.

Can I Translate My Own Documents for USCIS?

A common question that individuals often ask is whether they can translate their own documents for USCIS. The answer to this question is yes, but with a few caveats. USCIS allows individuals to translate their own documents as long as they meet the requirements for certified translations. This means that the individual must be fluent in both English and the foreign language, have a good understanding of legal terminology, and follow USCIS guidelines for certification.

It is important to note that USCIS may request additional evidence to verify the accuracy and completeness of self-translated documents. This could include obtaining affidavits from individuals who are fluent in both languages and can attest to the accuracy of the translation. It is also worth mentioning that USCIS prefers translations to be done by professional translators or translation agencies to ensure the highest level of accuracy and reliability.

In conclusion, understanding the USCIS translation requirements is crucial for individuals seeking immigration benefits. While USCIS does not require translations to be notarized, they must be accurate, complete, and accompanied by a certification from the translator.

The Spanish Group is a world-class industry and USCIS certified translation service and can provide an immigration translation certification upon request. We offer high-quality, accurate, and efficient translation for USCIS and other documents for immigration across the globe, and ensure that, in addition to unparalleled quality and precision, every translation you receive comes with prompt customer service and guaranteed on-time delivery.



The Spanish Group LLC

The Spanish Group is an internationally recognized official translation company that provides unparalleled language precision with revolutionary efficiency.