What Is TST, And What Are The Benefits Of Governance Tokens?

TheStandard.io DeFi protocol
4 min readNov 15, 2022

When discussing cryptocurrencies and Web 3.0, it is impossible to avoid discussing governance tokens. Although most crypto investors concentrate their attention on non-fungible and fungible tokens, there is a vast array of other tokens to consider. These tokens include security tokens, utility tokens, and platform tokens.

Among the most prominent of these tokens are the governance tokens, such as TheStandard Token (TST), which is essential to decentralization. Governance token holders can influence the direction a protocol will take in the future and obtain voting power proportional to the number of tokens they possess. This article provides a comprehensive understanding of TST, what governance is in crypto, and the benefits of governance tokens.

What Is TheStandard Token (TST) Token?

TheStandard Token (TST) is TheStandard.io protocol’s utility token. It enables holders to participate in the protocol’s governance, including the veto authority over the stability fee, additional features, and the integration of hard asset custodians/public tokens. TST holders can stake their tokens on the protocol to get generous yields from the DAO treasury, which the stability charge and PCV deployment will fund.

TST is intended to maintain the protocol’s streamlined, decentralized, and transparent governance. TheStandard DAO is the community of TheStandard Token holders who engage in the protocol’s voting process. In contrast to sEuro, TST’s value is neither stabilized nor pegged to an asset but rather determined by supply and demand. TSTs are tradable on secondary marketplaces, with a maximum supply of one billion (1,000,000,000) tokens. TST offers the following features:

1. Governance Concept

The crypto governance idea is intended to ensure TheStandard.io protocol’s security, decentralization, and efficiency. All holders of TST will be permitted to participate in the governance system. As discussed, we will look to integrate Snapshot for off-chain voting for DAO members.

Voting power is proportional to token quantity. This method is based on the premise from game theory that large token holders will have a smaller incentive to engage in harmful acts. The goal of the protocol is to reach a sufficient number of token holders, thereby protecting all stakeholders against centralization and the associated difficulties.

2. Staking Rewards

Earning staking rewards is one of the primary motivations for TST holders; the incentives result from the protocol’s income being shared with TST investors. Initially, the protocol’s primary sources of income are stability fees received from all Smart Vault loans and fees gained by the Protocol Controlled Value (PCV) in liquidity pools.

It can be anticipated that the development of the ecosystem would generate other revenue streams. The objective is to incentivize TST holders to stake their TST to limit the secondary market supply.

3. Voting Subjects

Those who have Standard Tokens can vote on multiple issues all at the same time. Holders of TST can cast one vote each on several different issues. For example, a user with 100 Standard Tokens can cast 100 votes on each open topic.

What Are The Benefits Of Governance Tokens?

So, what is a governance token? Developers issue cryptocurrency governance tokens to allow token holders to determine the future of a protocol. Token holders have a voice in choices about new feature ideas and governance system modifications. Governance tokens are intended to provide their holders ownership in a completely decentralized system. Whoever possesses a governance token can affect the future path of the protocol.

The significance of a governance token is made abundantly clear by the fact that it facilitates effective power allocation. However, the answer to “what is governance in crypto?” and “why are governance tokens valuable?” includes references to governance tokens’ deeper relevance. The primary advantage of governance tokens is that they provide every participant in decentralized ecosystems a voice.

Governance tokens like TST can assist developers in avoiding making difficult project-related decisions. In contrast, developers can communicate with the community and receive feedback to discover project flaws. As a result, it becomes simpler for developers to comprehend the rationale behind various project activities, such as fund management and collaborations, or the justifications for adopting specific improvements.

In addition to being a vital part of the decentralized network, crypto governance tokens’ value also rely on the fact that they are a part of it. There is no repository of pre-mined governance tokens. In addition, the decision-making process facilitated by governance tokens is restricted to platform users. You might think of the tokens as shares in a corporation, which will allow you to profit from the organization’s success.

Final Thoughts

Now that you understand a governance token remember that the final impression of cryptocurrency governance tokens demonstrates that they are reliable tools for altering the future Web 3.0 ecosystem. Governance token applications bring great value with the primary goal of providing real decentralization by redistributing authority to the community.

Governance token holders can submit recommendations to enhance many parts of a blockchain-based project. In addition, they can vote on recommendations made by other community members and collaborate actively during the decision-making phase. In addition, the popular entries in the list of governance tokens demonstrate the potential for governance token applications to be enhanced.

Check out TheStandard.io’s IBCO to know how to get early access to TST:



TheStandard.io DeFi protocol

A next-generation Defi lending platform that enables anyone to lock up hard and soft assets to generate a suite of fiat pegged stable coins.