The Stealth Comic
The Stealth Comic

This blog is a whimsical allegory presented in periodic, self-contained, sequential episodes. THE CAVEAT: the episodes vary in writing quality and reader enjoyment because I am fascinated with words and phraseology; I love smithing regardless of fluctuations in my calibre. Although reader enjoyment of any episode could occur at 2 or 3 layers (the fictional story itself, oblique real-world references, word-play) the entire blog is foremost author's self-indulgence. I apologize for inflicting these caprices on the reader, and hope that those who prevail will feel the story was worth their time.

Sincerely, Bruce

The Stealth Comic

The Stealth Comic

The Stealth Comic's alter-ego is septuagenarian Bruce Ballam, a meek iconoclast.