THESTONECOINTHE STONE COIN progress updateRoadshow is finished and now its time to share with you our company’s progress!Jul 31, 2019Jul 31, 2019
THESTONECOINTHE STONE COIN at RISE conference at Hong Kong 2019The largest tech conference in Asia is finished and its time to wrap up the results .Jul 12, 2019Jul 12, 2019
THESTONECOINThe Pillars of the STONE COINThe STONE COIN is a sustainable, serious and future-oriented payment token that is entering the market with an effective REAL SHIELD.Jul 8, 2019Jul 8, 2019
THESTONECOINWhat is the STONE COIN or Why Another Payment Token?In the sector of central FIAT currencies, not insignificant problems and areas of uncertainty can be observed. Particularly noteworthy…Jul 8, 2019Jul 8, 2019